or安装 Python 包时easy_install
例如,Python Yelp API 示例建议安装sudo easy_install oauth2
,但我更愿意自己从官方 repo 下载包。我用谷歌搜索python oauth
or安装 Python 包时easy_install
例如,Python Yelp API 示例建议安装sudo easy_install oauth2
,但我更愿意自己从官方 repo 下载包。我用谷歌搜索python oauth
There is no one way to determine the repo of a package listed on PyPI. It is up to the author to document this for you.
When you use easy_install oauth2
, you instruct easy_install
to load the PyPI-registered project oauth2
, located at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/<project-name>
, which should be your first port of call if you are looking for repository information.
The oauth2
PyPI page documents a homepage: https://github.com/simplegeo/python-oauth2
This is the link provided in the setup.py
metadata for this project, and that's as far as you get with examining this. If the author put in the wrong link, then there is little you can do to verify this.
To me, there is no doubt that https://github.com/simplegeo/python-oauth2/
is the source code you'd install when you run easy_install oauth2