I went through the documentation it says "To install app to external sd card we need to declare android:installLocation attribute in the element, with a value of either "preferExternal" or "auto"."

"Only If the external storage is full, the system will install it on the internal storage." But what if application size is bigger than combined available size of Internal and External storage? How to handle such situation?

For reference: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/install-location.html

The objective to confirm what exactly will happen and is there any need to handle it or Android will take care of it on its own


1 回答 1


我在模拟器上创建的相同场景发现如果内部 + 外部存储小于应用程序大小,则会弹出“空间不足”通知,并重定向到应用程序管理器为应用程序腾出一些空间。正如@Shaiful 所说,我们不需要担心(确认对我来说非常必要.. :-))只需创建更多空间并再次尝试安装谢谢大家!


于 2013-10-21T12:04:51.983 回答