我做了几个相关的线程,但这是我正在寻找答案的一个直接问题。如果 php 版本是 5,我的框架将使用Zend_Translate,否则我必须模仿 4 的功能。

似乎几乎每个 gettext 实现都依赖于 setlocale 或 locales,我知道系统之间存在很多不一致,这就是我不想依赖它的原因。


顺便说一句,所有的 .mo 文件都是 UTF-8。


2 回答 2


这是一些可重用的代码,用于在 PHP 中解析 MO 文件,基于Zend_Translate_Adapter_Gettext


class MoParser {

    private $_bigEndian   = false;
    private $_file        = false;
    private $_data        = array();

    private function _readMOData($bytes)
        if ($this->_bigEndian === false) {
            return unpack('V' . $bytes, fread($this->_file, 4 * $bytes));
        } else {
            return unpack('N' . $bytes, fread($this->_file, 4 * $bytes));

    public function loadTranslationData($filename, $locale)
        $this->_data      = array();
        $this->_bigEndian = false;
        $this->_file      = @fopen($filename, 'rb');
        if (!$this->_file) throw new Exception('Error opening translation file \'' . $filename . '\'.');
        if (@filesize($filename) < 10) throw new Exception('\'' . $filename . '\' is not a gettext file');

        // get Endian
        $input = $this->_readMOData(1);
        if (strtolower(substr(dechex($input[1]), -8)) == "950412de") {
            $this->_bigEndian = false;
        } else if (strtolower(substr(dechex($input[1]), -8)) == "de120495") {
            $this->_bigEndian = true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception('\'' . $filename . '\' is not a gettext file');
        // read revision - not supported for now
        $input = $this->_readMOData(1);

        // number of bytes
        $input = $this->_readMOData(1);
        $total = $input[1];

        // number of original strings
        $input = $this->_readMOData(1);
        $OOffset = $input[1];

        // number of translation strings
        $input = $this->_readMOData(1);
        $TOffset = $input[1];

        // fill the original table
        fseek($this->_file, $OOffset);
        $origtemp = $this->_readMOData(2 * $total);
        fseek($this->_file, $TOffset);
        $transtemp = $this->_readMOData(2 * $total);

        for($count = 0; $count < $total; ++$count) {
            if ($origtemp[$count * 2 + 1] != 0) {
                fseek($this->_file, $origtemp[$count * 2 + 2]);
                $original = @fread($this->_file, $origtemp[$count * 2 + 1]);
                $original = explode("\0", $original);
            } else {
                $original[0] = '';

            if ($transtemp[$count * 2 + 1] != 0) {
                fseek($this->_file, $transtemp[$count * 2 + 2]);
                $translate = fread($this->_file, $transtemp[$count * 2 + 1]);
                $translate = explode("\0", $translate);
                if ((count($original) > 1) && (count($translate) > 1)) {
                    $this->_data[$locale][$original[0]] = $translate;
                    foreach ($original as $orig) {
                        $this->_data[$locale][$orig] = '';
                } else {
                    $this->_data[$locale][$original[0]] = $translate[0];

        $this->_data[$locale][''] = trim($this->_data[$locale]['']);

        return $this->_data;

于 2012-04-04T08:48:27.257 回答

好的,我基本上最终编写了一个基于 Zend 的 Gettext 适配器的 mo 文件解析器,据我所知 gettext 非常依赖于语言环境,因此手动解析 .mo 文件将省去遇到语言环境问题的麻烦与setlocale. 我还计划解析以 xml 文件形式提供的 Zend Locale 数据。

于 2009-12-23T22:22:53.477 回答