我有一个自定义类“BackupIncrement”,它从 sqlite3 数据库中获取数据,并且工作得很好。我还有一个NSPopUpButton
或值都是数据库中的增量 id(主键)。
- (void)doAddItemsTopubDefaultBackupIncrement {
marBackupIncrement = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
pubDefaultIncrement = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] init];
[pubDefaultIncrement removeAllItems];
mnuBackupIncrement = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
const char* chrSQLSelect = "SELECT * FROM _backup_increments";
sqlite3_stmt* compiledSQL;
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(claAppDelegate.sl3Database, chrSQLSelect, -1, &compiledSQL, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
while (sqlite3_step(compiledSQL) == SQLITE_ROW) {
BackupIncrement* bi = [[BackupIncrement alloc]
initWithintIncrementId:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)sqlite3_column_text(compiledSQL, 0)]
AndstrIncrementValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)sqlite3_column_text(compiledSQL, 1)]
AndstrIncrementDescription:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)sqlite3_column_text(compiledSQL, 2)]];
NSMenuItem* mi = [[NSMenuItem alloc]
initWithTitle:[bi strIncrementValueDescription]
keyEquivalent:[bi strIncrementValue]];
[mi setTarget:self];
[mi setRepresentedObject:bi];
[mi setTag:[[bi intIncrementId] integerValue]];
[mnuBackupIncrement addItem:mi];
NSLog(@"Menu Item: %@", mi);
NSLog(@"Menu Item Title: %@", [mi title]);
NSLog(@"Menu Item Tag: %ld", (long)[mi tag]);
//[[pubDefaultIncrement menu] addItem:mi];
//[marBackupIncrement addObject:bi];
//NSLog(@"%@", mnuBackupIncrement);
//[pubDefaultIncrement setTarget:self];
[[pubDefaultIncrement menu] setSupermenu:mnuBackupIncrement];
[pubDefaultIncrement setMenu:mnuBackupIncrement];
sql 工作,它循环 5 次从 sqlite3 表中获取每一行。
NSLog(@"%@", mnuBackupIncrement);
打印出包含 5 个菜单项对象的菜单对象。
但是,当我运行我的项目代码时,弹出按钮有 3 件事。
1st: a blank item
2nd: Item 2
3rd: Item 3
我最初尝试使用 ArrayController 和 Bindings 进行此操作,但我似乎无法让每个菜单项的标签正常工作。如果这是这样做的方法,我很乐意听取绑定的正确方法。
仅供参考,BackupIncrement 对象公开了 4 个属性:
intIncrementId: the primary key from the table (1-5 currently for the 5 rows)
strIncrementValue: the single letter value from the table (h, d, w, m, y)
strIncrementDescription: the desc for the value (hour, day, week, month, year)
strIncrementValueDescription: a combination of the previous two - e.g. "d (day)", "m (month)"
So again - ideally id have the NSPopUpButton populate with menuitems which have strIncrementValueDescription as the visible "content" and the corresponding intIncrementId as the "value" such that when an item is selected I can get the tag or whichever an then act accordingly.