寻求更好的 PHP 代码的帮助,使我能够生成带有子类别的类别列表,但将其打印在三列中。


--- TABLE NAME = walkthroughs ---

| id  | name                  | url           | cluster       |
|  1  | A Room with a View    | http://...    | Happyville    |
|  2  | An Outdoor Tower      | http://...    | Happyville    |
|  3  | An Old Cottage        | http://...    | Happyville    |
|  4  | Town Hall             | http://...    | Misty Vale    |
|  5  | Cathedral             | http://...    | Misty Vale    |
|  6  | Babbling Brook        | http://...    | Old Forest    |
|  7  | The Lonely Flower     | http://...    | Old Forest    |
|  8  | The Hollow Tree       | http://...    | Old Forest    |
|  9  | The Secret Garden     | http://...    | Old Forest    |
| 10  | The Forgotten Corale  | http://...    | Open Plains   |
| 11  | Echo Caverns          | http://...    | Mountains     |
| 12  | The Forgotten Corale  | http://...    | Mountains     |

我使用过创建“集群”类别的 PHP 代码,并在其下方列出了相关的名称和 url。这很乱,但可以完成工作!此代码的 HTML 输出都在 1 列中。


<a href="url"> A Room with a View </a>
<a href="url"> An Outdoor Tower </a>
<a href="url"> An Old Cottage </a>
<h2>Misty Vale</h2>
<a href="url"> Town Hall </a>
<a href="url"> Cathedral </a>
<h2>Old Forest</h2>
<a href="url"> Babbling Brook </a>
<a href="url"> The Lonely Flower </a>
<a href="url"> The Hollow Tree </a>
<a href="url"> The Secret Garden </a>
<h2>Open Plains</h2>
<a href="url"> Babbling Brook </a>
<a href="url"> Echo Caverns </a>
<a href="url"> The Forgotton Corale </a>

我正在寻求帮助的是 PHP for Mysql:

  • 以便结果按“集群”字段分组,
  • 首先打印 'cluster' 字段的唯一值,然后是该值的所有 'name' 和 'url' 值,
  • 一个 PHP/Mysql 计数,可用于将结果分成 3 列。

最佳 HTML 输出如下所示。

<div id="col-1">
  <a href="url"> A Room with a View </a>
  <a href="url"> An Outdoor Tower </a>
  <a href="url"> An Old Cottage </a>
  <h2>Misty Vale</h2>
  <a href="url"> Town Hall </a>
  <a href="url"> Cathedral </a>
<div id="col-2">
  <h2>Old Forest</h2>
  <a href="url"> Babbling Brook </a>
  <a href="url"> The Lonely Flower </a>
  <a href="url"> The Hollow Tree </a>
  <a href="url"> The Secret Garden </a>
  <h2>Open Plains</h2>
  <a href="url"> Babbling Brook </a>
<div id="col-3">  
  <a href="url"> Echo Caverns </a>
  <a href="url"> The Forgotton Corale </a>

这是我一直在使用的当前 PHP,我知道它很乱(例如,我不确定是否使用数组),虽然它可以将结果分为 3 列,但它会打印一个标题和第一个值,然后是任何进一步的结果出现在下一列中(或者根本没有,在第 3 列的情况下)。

可以在@http://freethedangler.com/test/walkthroughs/instances-test.php 找到该问题的一个活生生的例子是的,这是一个令人讨厌的 MMO 页面!)。



@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
$queryc="SELECT * FROM walkthroughs ORDER BY cluster ASC";
$queryd="SELECT cluster,COUNT(DISTINCT(cluster)) FROM walkthroughs GROUP BY cluster";

$numd=mysql_numrows($resultd); // used to count the number of unique values for the 'cluster' field


$i=0; //$i = counter used to count queryc values 
$j=0; //$j = counter used to print out <h2>'cluster'</h2> heading

$x=0;         //$x = counter used to count queryd values
$y=($numd/3); //$y = 1/3rd of $numd - used to close a column and start a new column
$z=$y*2;      //$z = 2/3rds of $numd - used to close a column and start a new column

$cluster_current = null;
   <div id="col-1">
while ($x < $y) {


  if ($cluster != $cluster_current) {
<h2><?php echo $cluster; ?> Cluster</h2>
<a href="<?php  echo $url; ?>" class="fade"><?php  echo $name; ?></a><br>
   <div id="col-2">
while ($x < $z) {


  if ($cluster != $cluster_current) {
<h2><?php echo $cluster; ?> Cluster</h2>
<a href="<?php  echo $url; ?>" class="fade"><?php  echo $name; ?></a><br>
   <div id="col-3">
while ($x < $numd) {


  if ($cluster != $cluster_current) {
<h2><?php echo $cluster; ?> Cluster</h2>
<a href="<?php  echo $url; ?>" class="fade"><?php  echo $name; ?></a><br>

1 回答 1


我对 PHP 不是很熟悉,但我知道那里有关联数组(字典)。这足以解决您的问题。


SELECT cluster,
           CONCAT('<a href="', url, '">', name, '</a>')
       ) AS block
FROM walkthroughs
GROUP BY cluster

检索到此信息后,将查询响应放入字典cluster => block中,然后您可以遍历echo页面上适当位置的整个集群和 HTML 块。

于 2013-10-21T05:50:31.333 回答