我正在尝试创建一个私有通道以允许用户将数据发送到我的 node.js 服务器。请求失败,并返回 pusher:subscription_error,错误代码为 500。
我的 node.js(服务器端)日志无法将 socket_id 从传入请求拉到“/pusher/auth”
app.post( '/pusher/auth', function( req, res ) {
var socketId = req.body.socket_id;//<--DEBUG: TypeError: Cannot read property 'socket_id' of undefined
var channel = req.body.channel_name;
var presenceData = {
user_id: 'unique_user_id',
user_info: {
name: 'Mr Pusher',
twitter_id: '@pusher'
var auth = pusher.auth( socketId, channel, presenceData );
res.send( auth );
} );
// Create new Pusher instance and connect
var key = "<%= appKey %>"
var id = "<%= appKey %>"
var secret = "<%= appSecret %>"
var pusher = new Pusher( "<%= appKey %>" );
// Subscribe to the channel that the event will be published on
var channel = pusher.subscribe( 'private-channel' );
alert("subscription succeeded")
var triggered = channel.trigger("client-event",{})
alert("triggered "+triggered)
alert("subscription error "+status)//<-- This error gets returned
// Bind to the event on the channel and handle the event when triggered
channel.bind( 'client-event', function( data ) {
// For now, alert the message.
alert( data.message );
} );
这应该由推送 API 自动处理,还是我需要明确发送?如何将 socket_id 发送到服务器?我什至如何访问客户端上的 socket_id 变量?