我已经更改了我的 Java 应用程序以以不同的方式与 iTunes 交互,但仍然使用 applescript,但是虽然它对我有用,但它似乎给我的很多用户带来了问题,一个用户用户报告了这个错误出现了很多次

10/20/13 12:37:44.553 PM iTunes[74256]: AppleEvents/sandbox: Returning 
errAEPrivilegeError/-10004 and denying dispatch of event rdwr/writ from process 
'Jaikoz'/0x0-0x413413, pid=19717, because it is not entitled to send an AppleEvent 
to this process.



tell application "iTunes"
    set thePath to (POSIX file "/tmp/jaikoz_itunes_model.txt")
    set fileref to open for access (thePath) with write permission
    set eof fileref to 0
    set mainLibrary to library playlist 1
    repeat with nexttrack in (get every track of mainLibrary)
        if (class of nexttrack is file track) then
                set trackname to name of nexttrack
                set loc to location of nexttrack
                set locpath to POSIX path of loc
                set persistid to persistent ID of nexttrack
                set nextline to trackname & "::" & locpath & "::" & persistid
                write nextline & "\n" as "utf8" to fileref  starting at eof
            end try
        end if
    end repeat
end tell
return ""

更新 我也刚刚意识到我改变了与 iTunes 交谈的方式,我曾经使用

osascript -a with Runtime.getRuntime().exec()


 ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
 ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("AppleScript");


更新 2 这是一个纯粹的 Applescript 问题,因为当我从 Applescript 编辑器运行时会发生类似的错误

25/10/2013 10:39:39.816 iTunes[3366]: AppleEvents/sandbox: Returning 
errAEPrivilegeError /-10004 and denying dispatch of event rdwr/writ
from process 'AppleScript Editor'/0x0-0x24d24d, pid=12717, because
it is not entitled to send an AppleEvent to this process.

问题毕竟不是无法访问 iTunes,而是 iTunes 每次写入文件(或打开/关闭文件)时都会抱怨 - 为什么会这样?


2 回答 2



set thePath to (POSIX file "/tmp/jaikoz_itunes_model.txt")
set fileref to open for access (thePath) with write permission
set eof fileref to 0
tell application "iTunes"
    set mainLibrary to library playlist 1
    repeat with nexttrack in (get every track of mainLibrary)
        if (class of nexttrack is file track) then
                set trackname to name of nexttrack
                set loc to location of nexttrack
                set locpath to POSIX path of loc
                set persistid to persistent ID of nexttrack
                set nextline to trackname & "::" & locpath & "::" & persistid
                tell current application to write nextline & "\n" as «class utf8» to fileref
            end try
        end if
    end repeat
end tell
close access fileref
return ""
于 2013-10-31T09:49:35.853 回答


> set thePath to (POSIX file "/tmp/jaikoz_itunes_model.txt")
> set fileref to open for access (thePath) with write permission
> set eof fileref to 0
<     set thePath to (POSIX file "/tmp/jaikoz_itunes_model.txt")
<     set fileref to open for access (thePath) with write permission
<     set eof fileref to 0
<                 write nextline & "\n" as "utf8" to fileref  starting at eof
>                 tell current application to write nextline & "\n" as «class utf8» to fileref
> close access file ref


于 2015-02-04T14:20:25.163 回答