I am using Google Analytics iOS SDK (version 2 but will upgrade if it solves problem). How can I track what percentage of my app users have pressed a certain button at least once? I set up a lot of event tracking, thinking this would do it, but the reports are in terms of sessions not users. E.g., it will show what percentage of sessions included an event, so a single user may be counted multiple times. I defined a custom dimension variable that is unique for each app install, but I don't see how to use that as aggregation unit.

All I can think of is to define my own "one time events" by keeping my own database on the device and only pass to Google Analytics the first time it occurs. Is there no better way?


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Google Analytics 现在提供用户细分。您可以创建一个用户细分,并使用您感兴趣的特定事件作为条件。

在应用测量的上下文中,用户被定义为唯一的客户端 ID,它是应用程序首次运行时 GA SDK 生成的随机 ID。只要安装了应用程序,它就会保持稳定。

更多细节在这里:http ://analytics.blogspot.com/2013/07/re-imagining-segmentation-in-analytics.html

于 2013-10-22T13:29:25.310 回答