我正在制作遍历节点列表的迭代器方法(迭代器(int index)。这个特定的方法将返回一个迭代器,该迭代器的行为方式首先调用方法 next() 将给出索引参数的值。这是我第一次使用迭代器,因此感谢您的帮助!
private class DoublelinkedlistIterator implements Iterator<T>
private Node<T> p;
private boolean removeOK;
private DoublelinkedlistIterator()
p = head; // p is first in the list
removeOK = false;
public boolean hasNext()
if(p.neste != null )
return true;
return false;
public T next()
Node<T> q = p;
p = p.next; // go to next
removeOK = true;
return q.value; // return current value
public void remove() // in the making
removeOK = false;
} // class DoublelinkedlistIterator
public Iterator<T> iterator()
return new DoublelinkedlistIterator();
public Iterator<T> iterator(int index) // its this one I need help with