嗨,我很难在我的 grails 引导程序中添加第一个用户。我尝试了许多不同的方法,但都失败了,因为 Audit Trail 插件希望用户标记 createdBy 和 EditedBy 字段,但第一个还没有退出。
这是我的 Audit Trails 配置,基本上它与默认配置相同,除了我在 User.id 上使用 User.username:
grails {
plugin {
audittrail {
createdBy.field = "createdBy"
createdBy.type = "java.lang.String" //Long is the default
editedBy.field = "editedBy"
editedBy.type = "java.lang.String" //Long is the default
createdDate.field = "createdDate"
editedDate.field = "editedDate"
currentUserClosure = {ctx->
def authPrincipal = ctx.springSecurityService.principal
if(authPrincipal && authPrincipal != "anonymousUser"){
return authPrincipal.username
} else {
return null //fall back
class User {
//... basic Spring Security Generated User File with minor changes
def adminUser = new User(
username: 'admin',
enabled: true,
password: 'password',
firstName: 'ADMIN',
lastName: 'ADMIN'
).save(flush: true)
// The below will work if I take off the annotation on User class.
SpringSecurityUtils.doWithAuth('admin') {
def adminRole = new Role(authority: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save(flush: true)
UserRole.create adminUser, adminRole, true
- Using annonymousUser
- Failed, plugin prevents it
- Hardcoding the createdBy and editedby to "admin"
- Failed get's overridden
- Use executeUpdate to insert the user directly in the DB
- Failed: in bootstrap
- Delay the save of the first user until the doWithAuth
- Failed: couldn't find the user