Apologies in advance if this question is too elementary for this forum, but if so a referral to a more appropriate forum would be much appreciated. I have an extremely long Microsoft Word table, and it's starting to become obvious that it should have been done as a database. It's just going to keep on growing and I'm afraid it will crash someday. It only has four categories/columns, but unfortunately, within individual table cells there are often long text segments, paragraph breaks, etc. (I could simplify going forward but could not revise all the existing content.) Is there any way to import this critter into a database without retyping everything? If not, it's OK but I would like to know I can rule it out. If yes, would this be accomplish-able with free software like OpenOffice and if not what would you recommend? (I'm on a Mac so I don't think Access is an option?) I will be happy to (re-)learn database basics but unfortunately I can't justify it in the schedule right now unless I'm pretty sure I can use it for the above-described task. Thank you very much!
70 次
2 回答
这不是基本问题。这是我建议你做的。您首先需要将那个长 Word 表导出到一个更简单、对数据库更友好的容器。除非您真的想将数据作为数据源保留在那里。您必须了解,某些信息会在此过程中丢失。由于您不是数据库专家,您的 Word 文件可能包含一些颜色突出显示、标志或注释形式的信息,这些信息捆绑在数字列中。这必须使用代码进行翻译,或者您可以更新 Word 文件。您可能也不是由代码专家编写的,但您可以从其他人那里编写代码。您可以尝试在 Google 上搜索“将单词表导出为 CSV”之类的内容。这将是 VBA 代码。如果您没有找到任何东西,您可以发布部分 word 文件,我可以提供帮助。
于 2013-10-19T03:54:13.137 回答
可以将 Microsoft Word 表格复制到 Excel 电子表格中,软件会自动将 Word 表格单元格放入 Excel 电子表格单元格中。只需复制 Word 表格并粘贴到 Excel 工作表中。我刚刚在 Office 2007 上尝试过这个,它确实有效。不确定其他版本。
一旦你在 Excel 中拥有它,你就可以在 Excel 中使用基本的“数据库”功能,或导出到 Access 或其他一些软件。
于 2013-10-21T18:12:29.297 回答