我在 vba 中创建了模块。我有两个函数“AddDropDowns”和“RemoveDropDowns”。在第一个函数中,我想将一个值存储在一个变量中,以后可以在第二个函数中访问该变量。我在这两个函数所在的同一模块中声明了一个名为“DropDownsCounter”的变量,但该变量在函数调用之间不保留它的值。我的问题是为什么以及如何实现这一目标?该模块的代码如下。

    Option Explicit    
        Private DropDownsCounter As Integer
        Public Const QueryAttributes = "Query1:Query2:Query3:Query4:Query5"

        Private Const DropDownsWidth = 70
        Private Const DropDownsHeight = 16.5    
        Function AddDropDowns()
            DropDownsCounter = DropDownsCounter + 1
            Dim QueryAttributesArray() As String
            Dim NumberOfDropDowns As Integer
            QueryAttributesArray() = Split(QueryAttributes, ":")
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Dim x As Integer
            For x = 0 To UBound(QueryAttributesArray)
                Dim Name As String
                Name = "DropDown_" & (NumberOfDropDowns + x)
                Dim CmbBox As OLEObject
                Set CmbBox = Worksheets("Poizvedba").OLEObjects.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1")
                With CmbBox
                    .Left = GetLastDropDownLeftPos(DN)
                    .Top = Range(DNStartCell).Top + x * DropDownsHeight
                    .Width = DropDownsWidth
                    .Height = DropDownsHeight
                    .Name = Name
                End With
            Next x
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            End Function

    Function RemoveDropDowns()
        Dim QueryAttributesArray() As String
        Dim LastDropDown As Integer
        DropDownsCounter = DropDownsCounter - 9
        QueryAttributesArray() = Split(QueryAttributes, ":")
        Dim OleObj As OLEObject
        For Each OleObj In Worksheets("Poizvedba").OLEObjects
            Dim SplittedObjectName() As String
            SplittedObjectName() = Split(OleObj.Name, "_")
            If SplittedObjectName(0) = "DropDown" Then
                LastDropDown = SplittedObjectName(1)
            End If
        Next OleObj
        Dim StartIndexToRemove As Integer
        Dim EndIndexToRemove As Integer
        StartIndexToRemove = LastDropDown - UBound(QueryAttributesArray)
        EndIndexToRemove = LastDropDown
        Dim Sh As OLEObject
        For Each Sh In Worksheets("Poizvedba").OLEObjects
            Dim x As Integer
            For x = StartIndexToRemove To EndIndexToRemove
                If Sh.Name = "DropDown_" & x Then
                Exit For
                End If
            Next x
        Next Sh
    End Function

Private Function GetLastDropDownLeftPos(ByVal DropDownCategory As String) As Integer
    Dim pos As Integer
    pos = Range("A4").Width + Range("B4").Width + DropDownsWidth * DropDownsCounter
    GetLastDropDownLeftPos = pos
End Function



Public QueryDropDownsCollection As New Collection

Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim NewQuery As QueryDropDown
    Set NewQuery = New QueryDropDown
    QueryDropDownsCollection.Add NewQuery
    Call NewQuery.Initialize(1, 20, 20, 70, 17, 9)
End Sub

Public Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    QueryDropDownsCollection(QueryDropDownsCollection.Count - 1).RemoveDropDowns
End Sub


Private pID As Integer
Private pDropDownsWidth As Integer
Private pDropDownsHeight As Integer
Private pLeftPos As Integer
Private pTopPos As Integer
Private pNumberOfDropDowns As Integer
Private pDropDownNames() As String

Property Get ID() As Integer
    ID = pID
End Property

Private Const DropDownsWidth = 70
Private Const DropDownsHeight = 16.5

Public Sub Initialize(ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal LeftPos As Integer, ByVal TopPos As Integer, ByVal DropDownsWidth As Integer, ByVal DropDownsHeight As Integer, ByVal NumberOfDropDowns As Integer)
    pID = ID
    pLeftPos = LeftPos
    pTopPos = TopPos
    pDropDownsWidth = DropDownsWidth
    pDropDownsHeight = DropDownsHeight
    pNumberOfDropDowns = NumberOfDropDowns
    pSheet = Sheet
End Sub

Function AddDropDowns()
    For x = 0 To (pNumberOfDropDowns - 1)
        Dim Name As String
        Name = "DropDown_" & pID & "_" & x
        ReDim Preserve pDropDownNames(0 To x)
        pDropDownNames(x) = Name
        With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1")
            .Left = LeftPos
            .Top = pTopPos + x * pDropDownsHeight
            .Width = pDropDownsWidth
            .Height = pDropDownsHeight
            .Name = Name
            With .Object
                .AddItem "Krneki1"
            End With
        End With
    Next x
End Function

Function RemoveDropDowns()
    Dim Sh As OLEObject
    For Each Sh In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
        Dim x As Integer
        For x = 0 To pNumberOfDropDowns
            If Sh.Name = pDropDownNames(x) Then
            Exit For
            End If
        Next x
    Next Sh
End Function

3 回答 3


变量 DropDownsCounter 应在每次调用 AddDropDowns() 时递增,它仅在 GetLastDropDownLeftPos() 中使用,而在 RemoveDropDowns() 中不使用。

在 AddDropDowns() 中,变量 NumberOfDropDowns 是一个局部变量,在 RemoveDropDowns() 中,变量 NumberOfDropDowns 是隐式全局变量。

您是否将 NumberOfDropDowns 与 DropDownsCounter 变量混淆了?

在所有 VBA 代码中,您应该通过在模块的标头上添加显式声明变量:

Option Explicit


于 2013-10-19T19:56:45.340 回答

我建议创建一个类模块来管理下拉菜单。然后,您可以在普通模块中使用 Public、Module 级别的声明来实例化它。属性和内部变量将在调用之间保留它们的值,直到项目被 End 语句或 VBE 重置。

于 2013-10-20T14:55:44.900 回答

那么在函数调用之间保留全局变量的问题在于动态地将 OLEObjects 添加到工作表中。当 OLEObject 从 VBA 代码添加到 Worksheet 时,项目需要重新编译,因为 OLEObject 本身成为项目的属性。在重新编译的过程中,它会丢失所有变量值。我还发现了对这个问题的一些参考:



于 2013-10-22T18:39:08.567 回答