此功能存在于 Photoshop CS2 中:获取具有一定透明度的图层,并创建一个与其混合的图层,以提供“浮雕”和“内发光或外发光”等效果。

我想知道如何在 Java2D 中实现类似的效果。


我在网上寻找过类似的效果,但 JH Labs 的效果不是很解释或通用,另一个答案中提到的“肮脏的富客户”使用模糊,这也不是通用的。Photoshop 可用的可变性应包含在作为此问题答案提供的任何建议中。


1 回答 1


Do you mean "layer effects" in Photoshop? What is the problem with blurring?

You can start with either the JH Labs filters or with the SwingX funcionality (this has a large overlap with the methods described in the Filthy Rich Clients book), these are the best generic image-manipulation libraries for Java2D.

Note that you should ask concrete questions like what exactly do you want to implement (what is "similar" enough to Photoshop?)? What did you not understand about the JH Labs effects?

于 2013-10-23T09:31:06.977 回答