I have searched a lot about this on web but found nothing relevant. I want to publish chrome extension on web store on behalf of my organisation. My organisation uses Google apps. But I cant see any option to publish in chrome webs store even after logging into my organisation account on google. Please help


1 回答 1


可能是你用谷歌搜索了一组错误的标记词。请查看以下链接: https ://developers.google.com/chrome/web-store/docs/publish 。在这里,您可以获得所有相关信息。将创建一个开发者帐户。然后您可以登录到开发人员仪表板并发布您的应用程序或扩展程序。不过,如果您觉得困难,请告诉我。

于 2013-10-20T06:22:36.493 回答