我目前正在为 BlackBerry 10 开发 eBay 应用程序,但遇到了一个问题。问题是,我想要一个下拉菜单(这样用户可以选择他们想要访问的 eBay 国家/地区),但我不知道如何在屏幕底部找到一个按钮,以便在何时访问正确的页面已在下拉列表中选择了一个选项。



<script type="text/javascript"> 
//verify the welcome screen 
function verifywelcome(){ 
if (document.getElementById('checkbox').get... == true) { 
alert('checkbox is checked'); 
//set the localstorage item 
localStorage.welcome = "true" ; 
} else if (document.getElementById('checkbox').get... == false) { 
alert('checkbox is not checked'); 
//set the localstorage item 
localStorage.welcome = "false"; 
//if you want to remove the localStorage key to redisplay the welcome screen again.    use: localStorage.removeItem('welcome'); 
function welcome() { 
//check if welcome exists, if not: create it 
if (localStorage.welcome == null) { localStorage.welcome = "true" }; 
if (localStorage.getItem('welcome') == "true") /* if it is true: */ { 
bb.pushScreen('welcome.html', 'welcome'); 
else if (localStorage.getItem('welcome') == "false") { 
bb.pushScreen('menu.html', 'menu'); 

//verify the welcome screen 
function verifywelcome2(){ 
if (document.getElementById('checkbox').get... == true) { 
alert('checkbox is checked'); 
//set the localstorage item 
localStorage.welcome = "true" ; 
} else if (document.getElementById('checkbox').get... == false) { 
alert('checkbox is not checked'); 
//set the localstorage item 
localStorage.welcome = "false"; 

//if you want to remove the localStorage key to redisplay the welcome screen again. use: localStorage.removeItem('welcome'); 
function welcome() { 
//check if welcome exists, if not: create it 
if (localStorage.welcome == null) { localStorage.welcome = "true" }; 
if (localStorage.getItem('welcome') == "true") /* if it is true: */ { 
bb.pushScreen('welcome.html', 'welcome'); 
else if (localStorage.getItem('welcome') == "false") { 
bb.pushScreen('menu2.html', 'menu2'); 
function onLoadFunctions() { 
// Register the app. Make sure you get a unique UUID! 
blackberry.event.addEventListener('ona... function (accessible, status) { 
if (status === 'unregistered') { 
uuid: 'b1e606e8-66e5-41db-a932-6ad42f2aa59c' 
} else if (status === 'allowed') { 
bbm.registered = accessible; 
}, false) 

<select id="countryselector"> 
<option value="eBay UK" selected="true" onchange="verifywelcome();bb.pushScreen(...  'Menu');onLoadFunctions();">eBay UK</option> 
<option value="eBay US" "verifywelcome2();bb.pushScreen('menu2.h... 'Menu2');onLoadFunctions();">eBay US</option> 
<option value="eBay CA">eBay CA</option> 
<td class="cell" style="margin-top:13px;">Show this page on launch</td> 
<td class="cell" ><input id="checkbox" type="checkbox" checked="true" value="one"/>    </td> 
<div data-bb-type="action-bar"> 
<div data-bb-type="action" data-bb-style="button" data-bb-img="IMG/ic_next.png"  onclick="verifywelcome();bb.pushScreen('... 'Menu');onLoadFunctions();">The Native eBay Experience Awaits...</div> 

因此,当用户单击按钮(我刚刚向您展示的代码的最后一部分)时,它会将他们带到 eBay UK (menu.html),我向您提出的问题是:如果用户要选择 eBay US (menu2.html),当他们点击按钮时,它会将他们带到 menu2.html (eBay US) 而不是 menu.html (eBay UK),同时仍然允许不同的 onclick 功能工作(“verifywelcome( );verifywelcome2();onLoadFunctions();")?



1 回答 1


您可以在级别(而不是级别)定义onchange事件,并将选项的值设置为它们对应的相应页面。然后处理程序将按钮的处理程序设置为类似(元素在哪里。selectoptiononchangeclickdocument.location = this.valuethiscountryselector

我从来没有在 Blackberry DOM 中编程过,所以我不会写任何代码。但也许这会给你一个想法。

于 2013-10-19T15:24:43.703 回答