我没有 android 来测试这个,但下面的代码应该可以工作:
import android.view.MotionEvent;
int TouchEvents;
* xTouch and yTouch are arrays of the x and y coordinates of all fingers touching the screen, in arbitrary order.
* e.g. xTouch[2] and yTouch[2] are the coordinates of the third arbitrarily ordered finger touching the screen.
float[] xTouch;
float[] yTouch;
int currentPointerId = 0;
boolean printFPS;
float easing = 0.09;
// start position
float posX = 50;
float posY = 200;
// target position
float targetX = 50;
float targetY = 200;
boolean dragging = false;
void setup()
//size(displayWidth, displayHeight);
background(0, 255, 0);
fill(0, 0, 244);
rect(100, 100, 100, 100);
// Initialize Multitouch x y arrays
xTouch = new float [10];
yTouch = new float [10]; // Don't use more than ten fingers!
void draw()
if (!dragging)
// calculate the difference in position, apply easing and add to vx/vy
float vx = (targetX - (posX)) * easing;
float vy = (targetY - (posY)) * easing;
// Add the velocity to the current position: make it move!
posX += vx;
posY += vy;
for (int i = 0; i < xTouch.length; i++)
ellipse(xTouch[i], yTouch[i], 150, 150);
targetX = xTouch[currentPointerId];
targetY = yTouch[currentPointerId];
void DrawGamepad()
//rect(0, 150, 100, 100, 15);
ellipseMode(RADIUS); // Set ellipseMode to RADIUS
fill(0,155,155); // Set fill to blue
ellipse(50, 200, 50, 50); // Draw white ellipse using RADIUS mode
ellipseMode(CENTER); // Set ellipseMode to CENTER
fill(255); // Set fill to white//
ellipse(posX, posY, 35, 35); // Draw gray ellipse using CENTER mode
void DrawButtons()
fill(0,155,155); // Set fill to blue
ellipse(425, 225, 35, 35);
ellipse(475, 225, 35, 35);
fill(255,0,0); // Set fill to blue
ellipse(425, 175, 35, 35);
ellipse(475, 175, 35, 35);
public boolean surfaceTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
// Number of places on the screen being touched:
TouchEvents = event.getPointerCount();
// If no action is happening, listen for new events else
for(int i = 0; i < TouchEvents; i++)
int pointerId = event.getPointerId(i);
xTouch[pointerId] = event.getX(i);
yTouch[pointerId] = event.getY(i);
float siz = event.getSize(i);
if(event.getActionMasked() == 0)
print("Initial action detected. (ACTION_DOWN)");
print("Action index: " +str(event.getActionIndex()));
else if(event.getActionMasked() == 1)
print("Action index: " +str(event.getActionIndex()));
else if(event.getActionMasked() == 5)
print("Secondary pointer detected: ACTION_POINTER_DOWN");
print("Action index: " +str(event.getActionIndex()));
else if(event.getActionMasked() == 6)
print("Action index: " +str(event.getActionIndex()));
else if(event.getActionMasked() == 4)
// If you want the variables for motionX/motionY, mouseX/mouseY etc.
// to work properly, you'll need to call super.surfaceTouchEvent().
return super.surfaceTouchEvent(event);