I'm trying to dynamically change the show and hide events based on attributes of the target. for example, sometimes I may want mouseover, and other times click. Similarly, I want to be able to adjust effects, such as adjust the slideDown timing.
I found a way to adjust the position dynamically at Is it possible to set position of a Qtip programmatically?, but since that runs on show, that clearly won't work.
content.text can use a callback function, but I don't believe show can.
So, how do I dynamically change the show and hide (and ideally the slideDown timing)?
The working code is below, with the parts that don't work commented out. Note that I can change the tip size, but the tooltip does not display correctly if I change the height -- until I scroll the window. That isn't so important, whereas changing the show and hide events is.
function setupQtips()
function ()
overwrite: false,
text: function (event, api)
var strId = $(this).attr('qtipiddiv');
return ($('#' + strId));
text: function (event, api)
return ($(this).attr('qtiptitle'));
event: 'click',
effect: function (offset)
solo: true
event: 'unfocus'
viewport: $(window),
screen: true
classes: 'qtip-rounded qtip-shadow'
show: function (event, api)
var elmTarget = $(api.elements.target[0]);
var strPositionMy = elmTarget.attr('qtippositionmy');
if (strPositionMy != undefined)
elmTarget.qtip('option', 'position.my', strPositionMy);
var strPositionAt = elmTarget.attr('qtippositionat');
if (strPositionAt != undefined)
elmTarget.qtip('option', 'position.at', strPositionAt);
//Height / width
var strWidth = elmTarget.attr('qtipwidth');
if (strWidth != undefined)
elmTarget.qtip('option', 'style.width', strWidth);
var strHeight = elmTarget.attr('qtipheight');
if (strHeight != undefined)
elmTarget.qtip('option', 'style.height', strHeight);
//Tip Height / width
//var strTipWidth = elmTarget.attr('qtiptipwidth');
//if (strTipWidth != undefined)
// elmTarget.qtip('option', 'style.tip.width', strTipWidth);
//var strTipHeight = elmTarget.attr('qtiptipheight');
//if (strTipHeight != undefined)
// elmTarget.qtip('option', 'style.tip.height', strTipHeight);
// //api.set('style.tip.height', strTipHeight);
//Title Button
var strTitleButton = elmTarget.attr('qtipbutton');
if (strTitleButton != undefined)
elmTarget.qtip('option', 'content.title.button', true);
//var strSlide = elmTarget.attr('qtipslide');
//if (strSlide != undefined)
// elmTarget.qtip('option', 'show.effect.slideDown', strSlide);