我有一个调用我的 Perl 脚本来上传文件的 java 程序。它有一个 Perl 脚本的文件参数,其中包含要上传的文件的位置。
public static void legacyPerlInspectionUpload(String creator, String artifactId, java.io.File uploadedFile, String description ) {
PostMethod mPost = new PostMethod(getProperty(Constants.PERL_FILE_URL) + "inspectionUpload.pl");
try {
String upsSessionId = getUpsSessionCookie();
//When passing multiple cookies as a String, seperate each cookie with a semi-colon and space
String cookies = "UPS_SESSION=" + upsSessionId;
log.debug(getCurrentUser() + " Inspection File Upload Cookies " + cookies);
Part[] parts = {
new StringPart("creator", creator),
new StringPart("artifactId", artifactId),
new StringPart("fileName", uploadedFile.getName()),
new StringPart("description", description),
new FilePart("fileContent", uploadedFile) };
mPost.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(parts, mPost.getParams()));
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
int status = httpClient.executeMethod(mPost);
if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
String tmpRetVal = mPost.getResponseBodyAsString();
log.info(getCurrentUser() + ":Inspection Upload complete, response=" + tmpRetVal);
} else {
log.info(getCurrentUser() + ":Inspection Upload failed, response=" + HttpStatus.getStatusText(status));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error(getCurrentUser() + ": Error in Inspection upload reason:" + ex.getMessage());
} finally {
在我的 Perl 脚本的这一部分中,它获取有关文件的信息,从中读取并将内容写入我服务器中的闪烁文件。
# Time to upload the file onto the server in an appropropriate path.
while ($bytesread=read($fileHandle,$buffer,1024)) {
print OUTFILE $buffer;
writeLog("Download file, checking stats.");
# Find out if the file was correctly uploaded. If it was not the file size will be 0.
($size) = (stat($AttachFile))[7];
现在的问题是这仅适用于名称中没有空格的文件,否则 $size 为 0。我在网上阅读,似乎 Java 文件和 Perl 文件句柄都可以使用空格,所以我做错了什么?