try {
String s= br.readLine();
} catch(TimeoutException e) {
System.out.println("Time out has occurred");
try {
String s= br.readLine();
} catch(TimeoutException e) {
System.out.println("Time out has occurred");
final Duration timeout = Duration.ofSeconds(30);
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
final Future<String> handler = executor.submit(new Callable() {
public String call() throws Exception {
return requestDataFromModem();
try {
handler.get(timeout.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
final Duration timeout = Duration.ofSeconds(30);
ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
final Future<String> handler = executor.submit(new Callable() {
public String call() throws Exception {
return requestDataFromModem();
executor.schedule(new Runnable() {
public void run(){
}, timeout.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
try {
String s = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> br.readLine())
.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
System.out.println("Time out has occurred");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
// Handle
编辑:poseidon正确指出,在超时的情况下,上述方法不会中断正在处理 Future 任务的底层线程。在没有中断的情况下,底层线程将继续处理 Future 的任务直到完成,而无法知道结果是否不再需要。通过中断,底层线程至少可以看到(如果它检查到)它已被中断,从而允许它优雅地结束处理并退出。
对于 JDK 中阻塞 IO 的方法,按照惯例,它们的实现方式是检查调用线程的中断状态(如果为真则抛出 InterruptedException)。因此,中断一个线程可以让它快速退出,即使是在潜在的无限等待情况下,比如从输入源读取。
Future<String> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> br.readLine());
try {
String s = future.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
System.out.println("Time out has occurred");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
// Handle
public class StatusSingletonBean {
private String status;
public void setStatus(String new Status) {
status = newStatus;
public void doTediousOperation {
//The following singleton has a default access timeout value of 60 seconds, specified //using the TimeUnit.SECONDS constant:
@AccessTimeout(value=60, timeUnit=SECONDS)
public class StatusSingletonBean {
//The Java EE 6 Tutorial
示例 1 将无法编译。它的这个版本编译并运行。它使用 lambda 特性对其进行缩写。
* [RollYourOwnTimeouts.java]
* Summary: How to roll your own timeouts.
* Copyright: (c) 2016 Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products, http://mindprod.com
* Licence: This software may be copied and used freely for any purpose but military.
* http://mindprod.com/contact/nonmil.html
* Requires: JDK 1.8+
* Created with: JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA IDE http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
* Version History:
* 1.0 2016-06-28 initial version
package com.mindprod.example;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import static java.lang.System.*;
* How to roll your own timeouts.
* Based on code at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19456313/simple-timeout-in-java
* @author Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products
* @version 1.0 2016-06-28 initial version
* @since 2016-06-28
public class RollYourOwnTimeout
private static final long MILLIS_TO_WAIT = 10 * 1000L;
public static void main( final String[] args )
final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
// schedule the work
final Future<String> future = executor.submit( RollYourOwnTimeout::requestDataFromWebsite );
// where we wait for task to complete
final String result = future.get( MILLIS_TO_WAIT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
out.println( "result: " + result );
catch ( TimeoutException e )
err.println( "task timed out" );
future.cancel( true /* mayInterruptIfRunning */ );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
err.println( "task interrupted" );
catch ( ExecutionException e )
err.println( "task aborted" );
* dummy method to read some data from a website
private static String requestDataFromWebsite()
// force timeout to expire
Thread.sleep( 14_000L );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
return "dummy";