<TD CLASS="tablelabel">Base Currency</TD>
<TD class="reqlabel1">');
vSQl := 'select toValueText(a.code, a.descr) from (select currency_code code, des1 descr '||
'from sy_curr_code
) a ';
htp_dropdown(pvSql => vSQL,
pvName => 'pvcurrencycode',
pvDefVal =>' SELECT CurrCurrencyCode.INF_SRC_DB currency_code, DECODE(CurrCurrencyCode.currency_code,'AUS','USD','BPS')result from s_sales_center,'
-- pvDefVal =>NVL(CurrCurrencyCode.INF_SRC_DB,'BPS'),
pvEvent => 'style="width:200px" class="reqinput1" tabindex=33 id="pvcurrencycode"');
我认为我的代码有效,我检查了语法是否正确,对我来说似乎是正确的,我认为有 AUS 应该没有问题,现在我得到错误
[Error] PLS-00103 (6343: 132): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "AUS" when expecting one of the following:
) , * & = - + < / > at in is mod remainder not rem
<an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like like2