我仍然无法让我的 chromecast 进入开发者模式。我尝试编译示例 android 应用程序,但我的 chromecast 没有出现在设备列表中。我确实检查了“检查更新时发送此 Chromecast 的序列号”并重新启动我的设备。我什至让它坐了一夜,让它有时间联系谷歌。当我到达 http://[my chromecast ip]:9222 时,连接被拒绝。不过我可以ping通。并且 http://[my chromecast ip]:8008/apps/ 返回一个 XML 响应。

当我第一次向 Google 发送请求时,他们说白名单已积压,但不久之后他们说积压已被清除。

除了白名单可能在 Google 的后端不起作用之外,还有什么想法吗?


1 回答 1


Even I had same problem earlier

In earlier version of chrome-cast app (for android) there was an issue Send this Chromecast's serial number when checking for updates is uncheking always, So I removed that app and again installed new version. That bug was removed now. OPtion is by default Checked.

If it doesn't work then try to use other device. Surely that will solve your problem

于 2013-12-16T09:32:59.470 回答