固件工程师目前正在从事企业错误搜索。好的,问题来了:该程序在用 VB6 编写的 windows XP/7 中运行。该程序可以将附件添加到零件编号(这是数据库中的键)。它通过通用文件对话窗口添加附件。然后它使用 FileCopy 将选择的文件复制到网络驱动器上的特定位置。如果用户决定从他桌面上的文件夹而不是桌面上的文件复制,他不能删除该文件夹,因为 Windows 7 会抛出“文件/文件夹正在被另一个程序使用”。如果程序不是每次都关闭,有时(??为什么只是有时??)在程序关闭后直到机器重新启动,就会出现此问题。我确信有一种很好的方法来处理这个问题,因为其他程序一直在做这件事而没有问题,我只是不这样做 不知道那个合适的方式是什么。我还“找到”了一个修复问题的注册表编辑,这样的修复是不合适的。
好的,代码如下。是的,我知道这是一个丑陋的混乱,不,我不需要提醒。我不是要让人们做我的功课,我只是在 VB6/Windows 方面需要一些帮助。
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Command1_Click_Error
Dim File_To_Copy As String
Dim File_To_Copy_Path As String
Dim strTargetF As String
Dim filethere As String
Dim fPath As String
Dim Type_Of_Part As String
Dim Long_File_To_Read As String
Dim File_To_Read As String
Dim pointer_to_remote As Long
Dim another_pointer_to_remote As String
Dim wnet_return_val As Long
Dim temp As String
Dim File_To_Write As String
Dim revert_to_self_return_val As Boolean
Dim Output_File_Var
Dim Input_File_Len
Dim temp_str As String
Me.txtComp.Text = Global_Company_Name
CommonDialog1.InitDir = "c:\"
If Len(Trim(Global_Part_Var)) = 5 Then
Type_Of_Part = "Part_Type_A"
Type_Of_Part = Mid(Global_Part_Var, 1, 3)
If Type_Of_Part = "Part_Type_B" Then
Type_Of_Part = "Part_Type_C"
End If
End If
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
File_To_Copy = CommonDialog1.FileTitle
File_To_Copy_Path = CommonDialog1.FileName
If Err = cdlCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
If File_To_Copy = "" Or IsNull(File_To_Copy) Or File_To_Copy = Empty Then
Exit Sub
End If
strTargetF = File_To_Copy
'runasuser copy will not allow a path and file longer than 76 characters total..including drive and extension
If Len(File_To_Copy_Path) > 76 Then
DoMessage GetLangString(STRING_TOO_LONG) & CStr(Len(File_To_Copy_Path)) & vbCr & File_To_Copy_Path
Exit Sub
End If
fPath = PartsLinkPath & Type_Of_Part & "\" & Trim(Global_Part_Var) & "\" & "FAI_" & Company & "_" & lineinc
If Not (Mid(fPath, (Len(fPath)), 1) = "\") Then
fPath = fPath & "\"
End If
If Not DirExists(fPath) Then
Dim FolderToCreate
FolderToCreate = "Obscure_Proprietary_Business_Process_Name_" & Global_Company_Name & "_" & lineinc
RunAsUser SuperUser, SuperUserPassword, MyDomain, "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c ""mkdir """ & _
PartsLinkPath & Type_Of_Part & "\" & Trim(Global_Part_Var) & "\" & FolderToCreate, "c:\"
revert_to_self_return_val = RevertToSelf()
End If
Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND 'wait for folder to be created
revert_to_self_return_val = RevertToSelf()
filethere = fPath & strTargetF
filethere = Dir(filethere)
'If the file is on the User's share on the H:\ drive, first copy it into C:\temp
If StrComp(UCase(Left(File_To_Copy_Path, 2)), "H:") = 0 Then
If Not DirExists(TEMP_FILE_LOC_STR) Then 'If C:\temp does not exist then create it
Dim temp_folder
temp_folder = TEMP_FILE_LOC_STR
RunAsUser SuperUser, SuperUserPassword, MyDomain, "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c ""mkdir "" " & _
revert_to_self_return_val = RevertToSelf()
Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND 'wait for folder to be created
End If
temp_str = TEMP_FILE_LOC_STR & File_To_Copy
If FileExists(temp_str) Then 'delete the file from C:\temp if it exists
Kill temp_str
End If
FileCopy File_To_Copy_Path, temp_str
Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND 'wait for file to be copied
File_To_Copy_Path = temp_str
End If
If IsNull(filethere) Or filethere = "" Then
Long_File_To_Read = File_To_Copy_Path
File_To_Read = GetShortFileName(File_To_Copy_Path, True)
If Left(File_To_Read, 2) Like "[F-Z][:]" Then
pointer_to_remote = lBUFFER_SIZE
another_pointer_to_remote = another_pointer_to_remote & Space(lBUFFER_SIZE)
wnet_return_val = WNetGetConnection32(Left(File_To_Read, 2), another_pointer_to_remote, pointer_to_remote)
temp = Trim(another_pointer_to_remote)
File_To_Read = GetShortFileName(Left(temp, Len(temp) - 1) + Right(File_To_Read, Len(File_To_Read) - 2), True)
End If
File_To_Copy_Path = Long_File_To_Read
If File_To_Copy_Path = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Input_File_Len = FileLen(File_To_Copy_Path)
File_To_Write = ParseOutputFilename("", File_To_Copy_Path)
Output_File_Var = fPath & "\" & File_To_Write
RunAsUser SuperUser, SuperUserPassword, MyDomain, "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c ""copy " + _
File_To_Read + " """ + fPath + Mid(File_To_Copy_Path, Len(fPath) + 1, 3) + _
"\" + Mid(File_To_Copy_Path, Len(fPath) + 1, 3) + File_To_Write + """""", "c:\"
Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND 'wait for file to copy over
filethere = fPath & strTargetF
filethere = Dir(filethere)
OpenFormYesNo = True
FormYesNo.lblMsgbox.Caption = strTargetF & GetLangString(STRING_ALREADY_EXISTS)
FormYesNo.Visible = True
FormFAIData.ZOrder 0
FormYesNo.ZOrder 0
If (FormCount("FormYesNo") > 0) Then
If (Screen.ActiveForm.Name <> "FormYesNo") And (OpenFormYesNo = True) Then
End If
End If
Loop While FormCount("FormYesNo") > 0 And (OpenFormYesNo = True)
FormFAIData.ZOrder 0
If YesNo = vbYes Then
Long_File_To_Read = File_To_Copy_Path
File_To_Read = GetShortFileName(File_To_Copy_Path, True)
If Left(File_To_Read, 2) Like "[F-Z][:]" Then
pointer_to_remote = lBUFFER_SIZE
another_pointer_to_remote = another_pointer_to_remote & Space(lBUFFER_SIZE)
wnet_return_val = WNetGetConnection32(Left(File_To_Read, 2), another_pointer_to_remote, pointer_to_remote)
temp = Trim(another_pointer_to_remote)
File_To_Read = GetShortFileName(Left(temp, Len(temp) - 1) + Right(File_To_Read, _
Len(File_To_Read) - 2), True)
End If
File_To_Copy_Path = Long_File_To_Read
If File_To_Copy_Path = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Input_File_Len = FileLen(File_To_Copy_Path)
File_To_Write = ParseOutputFilename("", File_To_Copy_Path)
Output_File_Var = fPath & "\" & File_To_Write
RunAsUser SuperUser, SuperUserPassword, MyDomain, "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c ""copy " + _
File_To_Read + " """ + fPath + Mid(File_To_Copy_Path, Len(fPath) + 1, 3) + _
"\" + Mid(File_To_Copy_Path, Len(fPath) + 1, 3) + File_To_Write + """""", "c:\"
Sleep SLEEP_1_SECOND 'wait for file to be copied
filethere = fPath & strTargetF
filethere = Dir(filethere)
DoMessage GetLangString(STRING_USER_ENDED)
End If
End If
filethere = fPath & strTargetF
filethere = Dir(filethere)
Dim Output_File_Len
Output_File_Len = FileLen(Output_File_Var)
Close 'Close all open files
If Not Input_File_Len = Output_File_Len Then
DoMessage GetLangString(STRING_NOT_COPIED)
DoMessage GetLangString(STRING_FILE_COPIED)
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure Command1_Click of Form Purposely_Changed_Form_Name"
End Sub
编辑:添加源代码。第二次编辑,修正了一个变量名。第三次编辑,删除了“Close #fileno”语句(这是错误的),在末尾添加了 Close 语句,并删除了“On error Resume Next”语句。