public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
// Constants
// Content provider scheme
public static final String SCHEME = "content://";
// Content provider authority
public static final String AUTHORITY = "com.example.android.datasync.provider";
// Path for the content provider table
public static final String TABLE_PATH = "data_table";
// Account
public static final String ACCOUNT = "default_account";
// Global variables
// A content URI for the content provider's data table
Uri mUri;
// A content resolver for accessing the provider
ContentResolver mResolver;
public class TableObserver extends ContentObserver {
* Define a method that's called when data in the
* observed content provider changes.
* This method signature is provided for compatibility with
* older platforms.
public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
* Invoke the method signature available as of
* Android platform version 4.1, with a null URI.
onChange(selfChange, null);
* Define a method that's called when data in the
* observed content provider changes.
public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri changeUri) {
* Ask the framework to run your sync adapter.
* To maintain backward compatibility, assume that
* changeUri is null.
ContentResolver.requestSync(ACCOUNT, AUTHORITY, null);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Get the content resolver object for your app
mResolver = getContentResolver();
// Construct a URI that points to the content provider data table
mUri = new Uri.Builder()
* Create a content observer object.
* Its code does not mutate the provider, so set
* selfChange to "false"
TableObserver observer = new TableObserver(false);
* Register the observer for the data table. The table's path
* and any of its subpaths trigger the observer.
mResolver.registerContentObserver(mUri, true, observer);