我正在学习 flickr api,同时在项目中使用它,并且遇到了问题......我在 flickr 检索照片数据的地方有它(如下所示)


但它本身不显示图像...我认为这是因为它没有<img />使用以下信息构建标签src=" "是我尝试使用的代码...

(我的 class.flickr.php 代码文件)

class Flickr{

    private $flickr_key;
    private $flickr_secret;
    private $format = 'json';

    // Setting up flickr_key and flickr_secret
    public function __construct( $flickr_key ) {

        $this->flickr_key = $flickr_key;

    public function searchPhotos( $query = '', $tags = '' ){ // Begin searchPhotos 

        $urlencoded_tags = array( 'animals', 'design', 'phones');

        if ( !empty( $args )) {

            $tags_r = explode( ',', $tags );
            foreach ( $tags_r as $tag ) {

                $urlencoded_tags[] = urlencode( $tag );

        // Construct the url
        $url  = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?';
        $url .= 'method=flickr.photos.search';
        $url .= '&text=' . urlencode( $query );
        $url .= '&tags=' . implode( ',', $urlencoded_tags );
        $url .= '&sort=relevance';
        $url .= '&safe_search=1';
        $url .= '&content_type=4';
        $url .= '&api_key=' . $this->flickr_key;
        $url .= '&format' . $this->format;
        $url .= '&per_page=10';

        // Calling url using curl
        $curl = curl_init();

        curl_setopt_array( $curl, array(

            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 120,
            CURLOPT_URL => $url,            

        if ( !curl_exec( $curl )) {

            die ( 'Error: "' . curl_error( $curl ) . '" - Code: ' . curl_errno( $curl ));

        // Get search results
        $result = file_get_contents( $url );

        // Remove the unneccessary strings that wraps the result returned from the API
        $json = substr( $result, strlen( "jsonFlickrApi("), strlen( $result ) - strlen( "jsonFlickrApi(") - 1 );

        $photos = array();
        $data = json_decode( $json, true );

        // Check if the status didn't fail
        if ( $data['stat'] != 'fail' ) {

            /** Return only the data for the photos 
                as that's the only thing that we need
            $photos = $data['photos']['photo'];
            return $photos;
        } else {

            return false;       
    } // end searchPhotos



<?php // Flickr search photos test

require_once( 'class.flickr.php' );

global $flickr_key;

$flickr = new Flickr( 'this_is_my_api-key_placeholder...' );

$query = "Event Photo Uploadr";

$results = $flickr->searchPhotos( $query, $tag );
if ( !empty( $results )) {

    foreach( $results as $photo ) {

        $src = "http://farm" . $photo['farm'] . ".static.flickr.com/" . $photo['server'] . '/' . $photo['id'] . '_' . $photo['secret'] . '.jpg';

        <img  src="<?php echo $src; ?>"/>

    <?php }                 

正如我所说,我是 flickr api 的新手...到目前为止,我很幸运能够做到这一点(感谢 stackoverflow、Wordpress Answers 和开发人员朋友),因此非常感谢任何有用的输入!;)


1 回答 1


好吧,这听起来很傻,但是,真正的问题是我错过了一个=. 我不是在开玩笑,我有这个$url .= '&format' . $this->format;(这使得 api,默认返回 xml)应该是这个$url .= '&format=' . $this->format;(这是获取我的$formatvar 的正确方法)。我还清理了我的代码......

(主要的 flickr 功能文件)


class Flickr{

private $flickr_key;
private $flickr_secret;
private $format = 'json';

// Setting up flickr_key and flickr_secret
public function __construct( $flickr_key ) {

    $this->flickr_key = $flickr_key;

public function searchPhotos( $query = '', $tags = '' ){ // Begin searchPhotos 

    $urlencoded_tags = array( 'animals', 'design', 'phones');

    if ( !empty( $args )) {

        $tags_r = explode( ',', $tags );
        foreach ( $tags_r as $tag ) {

            $urlencoded_tags[] = urlencode( $tag );

    // Construct the url
    $url  = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?';
    $url .= 'method=flickr.photos.search';
    $url .= '&text=' . urlencode( $query );
    $url .= '&tags=' . implode( ',', $urlencoded_tags );
    $url .= '&sort=relevance';
    $url .= '&safe_search=1';
    $url .= '&content_type=4';
    $url .= '&api_key=' . $this->flickr_key;
    $url .= '&format=' . $this->format;
    $url .= '&per_page=10';

    // Get search results
    $result = file_get_contents( $url );

    // Remove the unnecessary strings that wraps the result returned from the API
    $json = substr( $result, strlen( "jsonFlickrApi(" ), strlen( $result ) - strlen( "jsonFlickrApi(" ) - 1 );

    $photos = array();
    $data = json_decode( $json, true );

    // Check if the status didn't fail
    if ( $data['stat'] != 'fail' ) {

        // Return only the data for the photos as that's the only thing that we need
        $photos = $data['photos']['photo'];
        return $photos;

    } else {

        return false;       
} // end searchPhotos


我在方法调用中唯一更改的是添加一个 alt 标记,如 so alt="<?php echo $photo['title']?>",并在 else 语句中添加一个错误消息,echo "Failed to construct url successfully";.

于 2013-10-18T22:45:42.240 回答