Does anyone know how to get Cruise Control's CCTray to connect to a Jenkins Https CI Server instance running on Openshift? The URL I want to connect to is in the form : https://jenkins-rhcloud.com/cc.xml

I have read the responses here (using CCtray with Jenkins, while security enabled (using HTTPS)) about adding a transport extension to CCTray and have tried building and deploying jenkins transport dll as per the instructions. I built it in visual studio 2012 express and deployed to c:\program files\cctray\extensions and restarted cctay (version 1.8), but on restart it doesn't allow the jenkins plugin to be selected in the transport extension drop down? CCtray doesn't seem to know the trasport extension exists even though its deployed in the place according to the instructions! Does anyone have any ideas?


1 回答 1


根据经验(并且刚刚开始工作!)JenkinsTransport.DLL 构建的 .net 版本不能比 CCTray 安装的版本更高。

CCTray 尝试加载 \extension 中的所有 DLL 并吞下任何出现的异常。由 JenkinsTransport.DLL 构建的 .net 3.5 不适用于 CCTray不可选择),但适用于 CCTray。

于 2014-01-24T14:16:11.683 回答