我正在尝试在 C++ 中为费米气体实现工具创建一个共享库。我正在使用 GSL 库以数字方式解决函数,并且我的代码在作为脚本运行时没有问题地运行,但是在尝试将其转换为共享库和类时我遇到了问题。
我对 c++ 编程相当陌生,似乎无法适应我的问题的不同答案。可能是因为我不太明白答案。
/* Define structure for the GSL-function: chempot_integrand */
struct chempot_integrand_params { double mu; double T; };
ChemicalPotential::chempot_integrand (double x, void * params){
/* Computes the integrand for the integral used to obtain the chemical potential.
* This is a GSL-function, which are integrated using gsl_integration_qag.
// Get input parameters.
struct chempot_integrand_params * p = (struct chempot_integrand_params *) params;
double mu = p->mu;
double T = p->T;
// Initiate output parameters for GSL-function.
gsl_sf_result_e10 result;
int status = gsl_sf_exp_e10_e( ( gsl_pow_2(x) - mu ) / T , &result );
if (status != GSL_SUCCESS){
printf ("Fault in calculating exponential function.");
// Return (double) integrand.
return (gsl_pow_2(x) / ( 1 + result.val * gsl_sf_pow_int(10,result.e10) ));
/* Define structure for the GSL-function: chempot_integration */
struct chempot_integral_params { double T; };
ChemicalPotential::chempot_integration (double mu, double T){
/* Computes the integral used to obtain the chemical potential using the integrand: chempot_integrand.
// Set input parameters for the integrand: chempot_integrand.
struct chempot_integrand_params params_integrand = { mu, T };
// Initiate the numerical integration.
gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (1000); // Allocate memory for the numerical integration. Can be made larger if neccessary, REMEMBER to change it in the function call: gsl_integration_qag as well.
double result, error;
gsl_function F;
F.function = &ChemicalPotential::chempot_integrand;
F.params = ¶ms_integrand;
// Upper limit for integration
double TOL = 1e-9;
double upp_lim = - T * gsl_sf_log(TOL) + 10;
gsl_integration_qag (&F, 0, upp_lim, 1e-12, 1e-12, 1000, 6, w, &result, &error);
// Free memory used for the integration.
gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
return result;
error: cannot convert ‘double (Fermi_Gas::ChemicalPotential::*)(double, void*)’ to ‘double (*)(double, void*)’
F.function = &ChemicalPotential::chempot_integrand;