
var clusterOptions = [{
    name: "None",
    sku: "0",
    price: 0,
}, {
    name: "Standard MySQL Cluster",
    sku: "4101",
    requires: ["MySQL1"],
    price: 10,
}, {
    name: "Enterprise MS SQL Cluster",
    sku: "4102",
    requires: ["402"],
    price: 5,
}, {
    name: "NoSQL Sharding",
    sku: "4103",
    requires: ["403","404"],
    price: 10,

该代码有效(您可以看到单击不同选项如何更改依赖选项databasedatabase clustering):http: //jsfiddle.net/g18c/DTdyM/



self.availableDatabases = myutils.ko.createComputedDepdency(this.selectedOs, this.dbOptions);
self.availableClusteringOptions = myutils.ko.createComputedDepdency(this.selectedDb, this.dbClusteringOptions);

我已经重写了我的 serverData 并且我需要从我的模型中知道的唯一的事情是从服务器动态传入的数组的选定项,在这种情况下它是选项数组:selectedServerOptionselectedOsOptionselectedDatabaseOptionselectedClusterOption



var serverData = {
    options: [serverOptions, osOptions, databaseOptions, clusterOptions],

    requiresMappings: [
        {target: "selectedOs", options: "dbOptions"},
        {target: "selectedDb", options: "dbClusteringOptions"}

var mappingScheme = {
    'options' : {
        create: function(options){
            console.log("creating sku: " + options.data.sku);
            // 1) create dependency using requiresMappings property
            // myutils.ko.createComputedDepdency(this.selectedOs, this.dbOptions);

            // 2) subscribe to updates
            // self.availableDatabases.subscribe(function () {self.selectedDb(self.availableDatabases()[0].sku);});
    // ignore these mappings we don't want to observe them, they are used to define mappings for the creation function above
    'ignore' : ["requiresMappings"]

var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(serverData, mappingScheme);

我现在的小提琴在这里:http: //jsfiddle.net/g18c/DTdyM/5/


1 回答 1


在查看了淘汰赛答案中依赖属性的自动映射和来自@PW Kad 的代码之后,编写一个简单的自定义映射器是有意义的。

我选择在 ko.mapping 上编写自己的映射器,因为我无法弄清楚如何引用需求的映射(使用 ko.mapping),特别是如何从create映射函数中创建多个属性(如我所见我只能返回一个新属性,而不是我需要的多个)。

它看起来效果很好,但希望使用 ko.mapping 的评论或替代方法来帮助我理解,特别是如果我重新发明了轮子!


var myutils = myutils || {}; // if namespace is not defined, make it equal to an empty object

myutils.ko = (function(){
    var createComputedDepdency = function(targetDependency, options){
        var computedProperty = ko.computed(function(){
            var targetValue = targetDependency();

            if(typeof targetValue === "undefined")
                return [];

            return ko.utils.arrayFilter(options, function(opt){
                if(typeof opt.requires === "undefined")
                    return true;
                    return opt.requires && opt.requires.indexOf(targetValue) > -1;
        return computedProperty;

    var createProductViewModel = function(options){

        var viewModel = {};      
        var length = options.length; 


        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            var option = options[i];

            console.log("creating property: " + option.selectedName + ", options: " + option.optionsName);

            // create the property for selected value, i.e. object.firstName = ko.observable();
            viewModel[option.selectedName] = ko.observable();

                var computedOptions = createComputedDepdency(viewModel[option.requires.target],option.data);
                viewModel[option.optionsName] = computedOptions;

                console.log("making callback scope object for: " + option.optionsName );
                var callbackScope = {
                    callbackName: option.optionsName,
                    options: computedOptions,
                    selectedValue: viewModel[option.selectedName]

                // when the list of available options changes, set the selected property to the first option
                computedOptions.subscribe(function () {
                    var scope = this;
                    console.log("my object: %o", scope);   
                    console.log("in subscribe function for..." + scope.callbackName);
                // create the property holding values, i.e. object.nameOptions = serverData.names;
                viewModel[option.optionsName] = option.data; 

        // now all options have been created, loop through the array one last time and set the dependent options.
        // note that this should be done last, as dependent calculated properties will subscribed to these events
        // and update their default first options
        for (var x = 0; x < length; x++) {
            var option = options[x];

            // only need to do this to non-calculated values

        return viewModel;

        createProductViewModel: createProductViewModel

var serverOptions = [{
    name: "DELL R210",
    price: 100,
    sku: 1001,
    name: "DELL R710",
    price: 200,
    sku: 1002,
    name: "DELL R720 Dual CPU",
    price: 300,
    sku: 1003,

var osOptions = [{
    name: "Windows Standard",
    sku: "201",
    price: 1,
}, {
    name: "Windows Enterprise",
    sku: "202",
    price: 2,
}, {
    name: "CentOS",
    sku: "203",
    price: 0,
}, {
    name: "Debian",
    sku: "204",
    price: 4,

var databaseOptions = [{
    name: "None",
    sku: "0",
    price: 0,
}, {
    name: "SQL Express",
    sku: "401",
    requires: ["201", "202"],
    price: 10,
}, {
    name: "SQL Standard",
    sku: "402",
    requires: ["202"],
    price: 5,
}, {
    name: "MySQL",
    sku: "MySQL1",
    requires: ["201", "202", "203"],
    price: 11,
}, {
    name: "RavenDb",
    sku: "403",
    requires: ["203"],
    price: 12,
}, {
    name: "MongoDB",
    sku: "404",
    requires: ["204"],
    price: 13,

var databaseClusterOptions = [{
    name: "None",
    sku: "0",
    price: 0,
}, {
    name: "Standard MySQL Cluster",
    sku: "4101",
    requires: ["MySQL1"],
    price: 10,
}, {
    name: "Enterprise MS SQL Cluster",
    sku: "4102",
    requires: ["402"],
    price: 5,
}, {
    name: "NoSQL Sharding",
    sku: "4103",
    requires: ["403","404"],
    price: 10,

var serverData = {
    options: [
        { data: serverOptions, selectedName: "selectedServer", optionsName: "serverOptions" },
        { data: osOptions, selectedName: "selectedOs", optionsName: "osOptions" },
        { data: databaseOptions, selectedName: "selectedDb", optionsName: "availableDatabases", requires: { target: "selectedOs" } },
        { data: databaseClusterOptions, selectedName: "selectedDbCluster", optionsName: "availableClusteringOptions", requires: { target: "selectedDb" } }

var viewModel = myutils.ko.createProductViewModel(serverData.options);

于 2013-10-19T18:40:22.740 回答