
public class GalleryViewPager extends ViewPager {

/** the last x position */
private float   lastX;

/** if the first swipe was from left to right (->), dont listen to swipes from the right */
private boolean slidingLeft;

/** if the first swipe was from right to left (<-), dont listen to swipes from the left */
private boolean slidingRight;

public GalleryViewPager(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);

public GalleryViewPager(final Context context) {

public boolean onTouchEvent(final MotionEvent ev) {
    final int action = ev.getAction();
    switch (action) {
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:

            // Disallow parent ViewPager to intercept touch events.

            // save the current x position
            this.lastX = ev.getX();


        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            // Allow parent ViewPager to intercept touch events.

            // save the current x position
            this.lastX = ev.getX();

            // reset swipe actions
            this.slidingLeft = false;
            this.slidingRight = false;


        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
             * if this is the first item, scrolling from left to
             * right should navigate in the surrounding ViewPager
            if (this.getCurrentItem() == 0) {
                // swiping from left to right (->)?
                if (this.lastX <= ev.getX() && !this.slidingRight) {
                    // make the parent touch interception active -> parent pager can swipe
                } else {
                     * if the first swipe was from right to left, dont listen to swipes
                     * from left to right. this fixes glitches where the user first swipes
                     * right, then left and the scrolling state gets reset
                    this.slidingRight = true;

                    // save the current x position
                    this.lastX = ev.getX();
            } else
             * if this is the last item, scrolling from right to
             * left should navigate in the surrounding ViewPager
            if (this.getCurrentItem() == this.getAdapter().getCount() - 1) {
                // swiping from right to left (<-)?
                if (this.lastX >= ev.getX() && !this.slidingLeft) {
                    // make the parent touch interception active -> parent pager can swipe
                } else {
                     * if the first swipe was from left to right, dont listen to swipes
                     * from right to left. this fixes glitches where the user first swipes
                     * left, then right and the scrolling state gets reset
                    this.slidingLeft = true;

                    // save the current x position
                    this.lastX = ev.getX();


    return true;


但是当我在 ViewPager 的 Fragment 中放置一个 ListView 时,当我水平移动 ListView 时,ViewPager 保持不动并且滑动菜单滑出。你能告诉我如何解决这个问题吗?多谢。


1 回答 1


尝试使用列表视图,地图进行滑动的这个演示......希望这会对你有所帮助: https ://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu

于 2013-10-18T10:13:22.797 回答