我正在尝试制作一个应用程序,让球从墙壁上反弹并相互反弹。从墙上反弹效果很好,但我在让它们相互反弹时遇到了一些麻烦。这是我用来让它们从另一个球上反弹的代码(为了测试我只有 2 个球)
// Calculate the distance using Pyth. Thrm.
GLfloat x1, y1, x2, y2, xd, yd, distance;
x1 = balls[0].xPos;
y1 = balls[0].yPos;
x2 = balls[1].xPos;
y2 = balls[1].yPos;
xd = x2 - x1;
yd = y2 - y1;
distance = sqrt((xd * xd) + (yd * yd));
if(distance < (balls[0].ballRadius + balls[1].ballRadius))
std::cout << "Collision\n";
balls[0].xSpeed = -balls[0].xSpeed;
balls[0].ySpeed = -balls[0].ySpeed;
balls[1].xSpeed = -balls[1].xSpeed;
balls[1].ySpeed = -balls[1].ySpeed;
// Callback handler for window re-paint event
void display()
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear the color buffer
for (int i = 0; i < numOfBalls; i++)
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset model-view matrix
int numSegments = 100;
GLfloat angle = 0;
glTranslatef(balls[i].xPos, balls[i].yPos, 0.0f); // Translate to (xPos, yPos)
// Use triangular segments to form a circle
glColor4f(balls[i].colorR, balls[i].colorG, balls[i].colorB, balls[i].colorA);
glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); // Center of circle
for (int j = 0; j <= numSegments; j++)
// Last vertex same as first vertex
angle = j * 2.0f * PI / numSegments; // 360 deg for all segments
glVertex2f(cos(angle) * balls[i].ballRadius, sin(angle) * balls[i].ballRadius);
// Animation Control - compute the location for the next refresh
balls[i].xPos += balls[i].xSpeed;
balls[i].yPos += balls[i].ySpeed;
// Calculate the distance using Pyth. Thrm.
GLfloat x1, y1, x2, y2, xd, yd, distance;
x1 = balls[0].xPos;
y1 = balls[0].yPos;
x2 = balls[1].xPos;
y2 = balls[1].yPos;
xd = x2 - x1;
yd = y2 - y1;
distance = sqrt((xd * xd) + (yd * yd));
if(distance < (balls[0].ballRadius + balls[1].ballRadius))
std::cout << "Collision\n";
balls[0].xSpeed = -balls[0].xSpeed;
balls[0].ySpeed = -balls[0].ySpeed;
balls[1].xSpeed = -balls[1].xSpeed;
balls[1].ySpeed = -balls[1].ySpeed;
std::cout << "No collision\n";
// Check if the ball exceeds the edges
if (balls[i].xPos > balls[i].xPosMax)
balls[i].xPos = balls[i].xPosMax;
balls[i].xSpeed = -balls[i].xSpeed;
else if (balls[i].xPos < balls[i].xPosMin)
balls[i].xPos = balls[i].xPosMin;
balls[i].xSpeed = -balls[i].xSpeed;
if (balls[i].yPos > balls[i].yPosMax) {
balls[i].yPos = balls[i].yPosMax;
balls[i].ySpeed = -balls[i].ySpeed;
else if (balls[i].yPos < balls[i].yPosMin)
balls[i].yPos = balls[i].yPosMin;
balls[i].ySpeed = -balls[i].ySpeed;
glutSwapBuffers(); // Swap front and back buffers (of double buffered mode)
**注意:大多数函数都使用 for 循环numOfBalls
作为计数器,但为了测试碰撞,我只使用 2 个球,因此balls[0]