I am using the TreeTable plugin: http://ludo.cubicphuse.nl/jquery-treetable/#examples
<table id="example-basic">
<th>Name</th> <th>Status</th> <th>id</th>
<tbody data-bind="foreach: TreeView">
<tr data-bind="attr: { 'data-tt-id': id ,'data-tt-parent-id': Parentid}">
<td data-bind="text: Name"></td>
<td data-bind="text: Status"></td>
<td data-bind="text: id"></td>
<button type="button" name="test" onclick="test()"></button>
The below works if I HardCode as is and the result is shown as a nicely formatted TreeView.
ko.applyBindings({ TreeView: [{ "id": "1", "Parentid": null, "Name": "test1", "Status": "OK" }, { "id": "2", "Parentid": 1, "Name": "test2", "Status": "OK" }] }
But, I am getting the value from the server(put the value obtained from server in "str" variable) and doing the binding as below:
str = '[{ "id": "1", "Parentid": null, "Name": "parent1", "Status": "OK" }, { "id": "2", "Parentid": 1, "Name": "child1", "Status": "OK" }]',
json = JSON.stringify(eval("(" + str + ")")),
ko.applyBindings({ TreeView: json})
function reload() {
//ko.applyBindings({ TreeView: {} });
str = '[{ "id": "1", "Parentid": null, "Name": "parent1", "Status": "OK" }]'
json = JSON.parse(str),
ko.applyBindings({ TreeView: json})
I get the following error:
Error: Unable to parse bindings.
Message: ReferenceError: 'id' is undefined;
Bindings value: attr: { 'data-tt-id': id ,'data-tt-parent-id': Parentid}
Can someone please help. Thanks! The Json object returned had to be converted to type string and then parsed. This resolved the above issue
New Issue: I was just playing around with the treetable plugin. I wish to reload the data from server on button click(or ajax call every 5 sec). The data is duplicated.