I ran the BMA package in R to do a CoxPH test. I'm wondering what should I edit the data, so that this problem "arguments imply differing number of rows: 146, 0 " can be solved.
data <- read.csv("Test1.csv", header = TRUE)
x<- data[1:146,]
x <- data[,c( "dom_econ_2","llgdp", "pcrdbofgdp")]
surv.t<- x$crisis1
cens<- x$cen1
test.bic.surv<- bic.surv(x, surv.t, cens, factor.type=Ture, strict=FALSE, nbest=200)
Error in data.frame(mm[, -1], surv.t = surv.t, cens = cens) :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 146, 0
Construction of data
data <- read.table(text=" country Start crisis1 cen1 llgdp pcrdbofgdp dom_econ_2
1 Algeria 1988 48 1 90.537788 65.226883 0.00
2 Algeria 1994 24 1 43.727940 5.994088 14.25
3 Argentina 1985 96 0 12.049210 12.676220 0.00
4 Argentina 2002 12 1 27.514610 18.335609 14.96
5 Australia 1985 12 0 36.909191 30.567970 0.00
6 Australia 1997 12 1 60.054508 69.576698 104.06
7 Australia 2000 12 1 64.405777 80.765381 89.13
8 Australia 2008 12 1 95.728081 115.909699 237.16
9 Austria 2005 12 1 91.344994 108.155701 82.14
10 Belgium 2005 12 1 102.885399 71.527367 114.55
11 Bolivia 1985 12 0 4.461628 4.868293 0.00
12 Bolivia 1987 12 1 13.480320 13.259240 0.00
13 Bolivia 1989 12 1 17.370689 17.162399 0.00
14 Brazil 1985 132 0 7.082396 22.242729 0.00
15 Brazil 1999 12 1 40.434750 30.275040 153.22
16 Brazil 2001 24 1 45.114819 30.151600 133.65
17 Brazil 2008 12 1 57.924221 47.755600 409.57
18 canada 2008 12 1 119.428703 126.900398 225.36
19 Chile 1985 12 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
20 Chile 1987 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
21 Chile 1989 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
22 Chile 2008 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 35.17
23 Cote D'lvoire 1994 12 1 25.643181 22.177429 2.10
24 Cote D'lvoire 2011 24 1 41.235161 19.288630 4.68
25 china 1986 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
26 china 1989 12 1 62.773560 71.162529 0.00
27 china 1994 12 1 83.825783 76.370827 67.21
28 Colombia 1985 84 0 29.268551 32.937222 0.00
29 Colombia 1995 12 1 30.042919 30.603430 12.56
30 Colombia 1997 48 1 31.537670 34.393360 17.34
31 Colombia 2002 12 1 16.778780 22.066490 17.12
32 Costa Rica 1987 12 1 35.334270 17.252380 0.00
33 Costa Rica 1991 12 1 30.253300 10.472690 1.01
34 Costa Rica 1995 12 1 25.711729 10.946140 1.88
35 Dominican Republic 1985 12 0 22.065741 38.200081 0.00
36 Dominican Republic 1987 24 1 27.200859 41.605549 0.00
37 Dominican Republic 1990 12 1 23.815241 35.062832 0.77
38 Dominican Republic 2002 24 1 20.893270 38.377579 3.62
39 Ecuador 1985 96 0 24.365290 25.992100 0.00
40 Ecuador 1995 72 1 25.012659 25.226681 3.30
41 Egypt 1989 36 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
42 Egypt 2001 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 21.36
43 Egypt 2003 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 21.67
44 El Salvador 1988 12 1 5.249366 4.249679 0.00
45 Finland 1992 12 1 61.804680 93.284843 51.87
46 France 2005 12 1 73.674927 90.176163 1144.92
47 Germany 1997 12 1 69.414650 107.758598 1048.86
48 Germany 1999 12 1 85.617897 115.610901 1037.57
49 Germany 2005 12 1 105.417099 111.763199 1297.82
50 Greece 1985 24 0 58.569908 37.887230 0.00
51 Greece 1990 12 1 68.117287 34.083881 30.32
52 Greece 1999 36 1 55.327202 36.298470 44.28
53 Greece 2005 12 1 85.200127 73.185272 77.85
54 Guatemala 1986 12 1 23.963770 14.939860 0.00
55 Guatemala 1989 24 1 22.968491 14.576470 0.00
56 Honduras 1990 12 1 31.085350 29.356951 0.60
57 Honduras 1993 24 1 29.533979 25.364269 0.91
58 Honduras 1996 12 1 28.978729 22.788309 0.86
59 Hungary 1989 12 1 39.513908 44.371880 0.00
60 Hungary 1991 12 1 44.693378 42.222179 18.29
61 Hungary 1993 12 1 52.589550 28.814779 21.60
62 Hungary 1995 36 1 44.789848 21.890961 21.87
63 Hungary 1999 12 1 44.038410 24.015810 21.43
64 Iceland 1985 24 0 21.419769 34.361641 0.00
65 Iceland 1988 24 1 25.819929 34.976372 0.00
66 Iceland 2008 12 1 93.622017 184.647003 0.00
67 India 1988 12 1 40.268990 28.615240 0.00
68 India 1991 12 1 40.929920 23.150181 55.40
69 India 1993 12 1 42.146000 22.969900 53.35
70 India 2008 12 1 69.759697 44.396610 207.09
71 Indonesia 1997 24 1 50.021770 53.528721 40.59
72 Indonesia 2000 12 1 49.576542 17.631670 27.06
73 Indonesia 2008 12 1 36.236462 23.411659 101.12
74 Ireland 1993 12 1 46.543369 42.833199 16.32
75 Ireland 1997 12 1 69.748718 72.668739 22.49
76 Ireland 2005 12 1 87.587280 141.341995 51.42
77 Italy 1992 12 1 61.862431 57.690781 537.05
78 Italy 2005 12 1 58.811539 85.478607 856.04
79 Malaysia 1997 12 1 116.673599 139.381607 21.01
80 Mexico 1985 36 0 23.277300 10.972870 0.00
81 Mexico 1989 12 1 12.128950 11.774920 0.00
82 Mexico 1994 24 1 27.620720 33.321041 64.37
83 Mexico 1998 12 1 31.633909 22.903950 60.87
84 Mexico 2008 12 1 25.276720 20.486820 175.60
85 Morocco 1985 12 0 46.630791 28.247660 0.00
86 Netherlands 2005 12 1 111.478996 159.227707 196.86
87 New Zealand 1997 12 1 81.314529 96.649277 20.87
88 New Zealand 2008 12 1 91.273071 143.887497 40.38
89 Nicaragua 1985 24 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
90 Nicaragua 1988 48 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
91 Nicaragua 1993 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.54
92 Nigeria 1985 72 0 33.616810 15.274050 0.00
93 Nigeria 1999 12 1 18.795080 12.470600 10.26
94 Norway 1986 12 1 52.509472 65.354111 0.00
95 Norway 2008 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 138.04
96 Paraguay 1985 24 0 19.059549 13.474090 0.00
97 Paraguay 1989 12 1 18.109470 13.592000 0.00
98 Paraguay 1992 24 1 28.895550 20.640970 0.88
99 Paraguay 1998 24 1 27.359171 27.806259 1.41
100 Paraguay 2001 24 1 27.472139 27.111059 1.27
101 Peru 1985 12 0 18.312740 12.587190 0.00
102 Peru 1987 84 1 14.426420 9.529409 0.00
103 Peru 1998 12 1 29.766150 26.084431 9.76
104 Philippines 1990 12 1 32.946239 19.481730 8.97
105 Philippines 1997 12 1 60.959930 55.599201 15.96
106 Philippines 2000 12 1 57.644821 39.109230 14.52
107 Poland 1985 108 0 38.214378 51.334850 0.00
108 Poland 1995 36 1 27.932590 14.869600 51.27
109 Poland 1999 12 1 37.415001 22.911200 32.18
110 Poland 2008 12 1 48.807541 43.228100 178.28
111 Portugal 2005 12 1 92.989853 135.765900 89.34
112 Romania 1990 144 1 0.000000 0.000000 12.92
113 Romania 2008 12 1 31.392929 36.600521 32.11
114 Romania 2010 12 1 37.728611 45.040459 32.29
115 Russia 1987 120 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
116 Russia 1998 24 1 0.000000 0.000000 43.93
117 Russia 2008 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 293.34
118 Singapore 1997 12 1 109.437202 107.355103 29.25
119 South Africa 1985 12 0 51.689949 66.574753 0.00
120 South Africa 1988 12 1 49.117390 67.433647 0.00
121 South Africa 1996 12 1 47.592419 112.563797 41.01
122 South Africa 1998 12 1 53.312820 113.043098 36.40
123 South Africa 2000 24 1 52.709499 127.040100 34.19
124 South Africa 2008 12 1 46.246601 149.139099 80.10
125 Spain 1993 12 1 73.074364 77.935318 129.39
126 Spain 2005 12 1 100.510200 129.920197 159.93
127 Sri Lanka 1989 12 1 35.501869 19.156321 0.00
128 Sweden 1992 12 1 50.942661 124.471397 117.62
129 Sweden 2005 12 1 46.589840 102.645203 97.60
130 Sweden 2008 12 1 56.333191 124.272102 116.23
131 Switzerland 1999 12 1 165.171402 159.786499 27.19
132 Thailand 1997 12 1 90.951942 154.129700 27.92
133 Thailand 2000 12 1 112.097000 116.628799 21.31
134 Tunisia 1986 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
135 Turkey 1985 204 0 20.020611 15.242030 0.00
136 Turkey 2008 12 1 44.036678 29.615061 175.62
137 Uruguay 1985 156 0 43.514191 34.115601 0.00
138 Uruguay 2001 24 1 45.520069 49.360771 5.82
139 Venezuela 1986 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
140 Venezuela 1989 96 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.00
141 Venezuela 2002 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 23.89
142 Venezuela 2004 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 28.59
143 Venezuela 2010 12 1 0.000000 0.000000 85.81
144 United Kingdom 1993 12 1 59.609852 106.663597 409.43
145 United Kingdom 2008 12 1 163.094299 197.386902 1093.45
146 United States 2002 24 1 64.508629 169.231400 2012.69",