I am trying to animate skill bars on scroll which I got working but now im trying to go a step further and bring the animation down when you scroll back up.
so on scroll to 330 bars will animate to each divs width and now i want to on scroll up to animate back to 0 width
> $(document).ready(function(){ $(document).scroll(function() { var top
> = $(document).scrollTop(); console.log(top);
> if (top > 330) {
> $("#html, #css").animate({width:"100%"}, 2000);
> } else {
> $("#html, #css").animate({width:"0%"}, 2000); /* not working */
> }
> if (top > 330) $("#javascript").animate({width:"70%"}, 2000);
> if (top > 330) $("#php").animate({width:"50%"}, 2000);
> if (top > 330) $("#mysql").animate({width:"30%"}, 2000);
> if (top > 330) $("#wordpress").animate({width:"60%"}, 2000);
> }); });
> #height { height:1000px; }
> ul {
> list-style-type: none;
> font-family: 'Open Sans';
> color: #787878;
> font-size: 0.8em;
> font-weight: 500;
> font-style: italic;
> line-height: 160%;
> letter-spacing: 1px; }
> } li {
> padding: 2px 0 2px 0; }
> #html, #css, #javascript, #php, #mysql, #wordpress {
> background-color: #0194bd;
> width: 0%;
> height: 9px;
> margin-bottom: 10px; }
<div id="height"></div>
> <ul>
> <li>HTML</li>
> <li id="html" class="full"> </li>
> <li>CSS</li>
> <li id="css"></li>
> <li>Javascript</li>
> <li id="javascript"></li>
> <li>PHP</li>
> <li id="php"></li>
> <li>MySQL</li>
> <li id="mysql"></li>
> <li>Wordpress</li>
> <li id="wordpress"></li> </ul>