假设我有一个如下的 javascript 函数:

myFunction: function(data, callback){
  //Do stuff

假设我现在想向此函数添加另一个参数。让我们打电话 if flag。我也不想到处更改函数调用。在我看来,大多数 javascript 函数都将它们的回调作为最后一个参数。这是否意味着我应该像这样改变函数:

myFunction: function(data, flag, callback){
  //Do stuff


myFunction: function(data, callback, flag){
  //Do stuff


if (_.isFunction(flag)) {
  onComplete = flag;
  return retAll = false;


if (flag == null) {
  flag = false;



6 回答 6



于 2013-10-17T23:29:28.563 回答



myFunction: function() {
  var data = arguments[0],
      flag = (_.isBoolean(arguments[1])) ? arguments[1] : arguments[2],
      cb   = (_.isFunction(arguments[2])) ? arguments[2] : arguments[1];

  // stuff
于 2013-10-17T23:30:25.107 回答
  1. null如果您不确定需要哪些参数,您可以选择“此参数没有值”。
  2. 您可以将原始函数重命名为myFunctionFlag(data, flag, callback)并创建一个新函数myFunction(data, callback),该函数仅myFunctionFlag使用flag. 这在考虑向后兼容性时特别有用,但随着时间的推移代码会变得混乱。
  3. 您可以使用arguments其他答案中显示的内容。
于 2013-10-17T23:31:25.473 回答


例如,具有多个签名/可选参数的方法在 jQuery 等库中非常常见。这是仅基于参数类型进行切换的参数解析器的最小实现。

这与默认对象相结合,以确保所有值都被初始化。如果没有则抛出错误。这比要求始终使用对象语法调用方法更好,因此您可以这样做myFun(a, b, c)而不是myFun({foo: a, bar: b, baz: c})

var myFunSig = typeSignature('data flag callback', '* boolean function');
function myFun() {
    var args = myFunSig(arguments, {
            flag: false // set default

    // all arguments/defaults are properties of 'args'

function typeSignature(sigStr, nameStr) {
    var types = sigStr.split(' ');
    var names = nameStr.split(' ');
    return function(args, defaults) {
        var result = $.extend({}, defaults),
            argIdx = 0;
        for(var i = 0, len = types.length; i < len; i++) {
            if(types[i] === '*' || typeof(args[argIdx]) === types[i]) {
                result[names[i]] = args[argIdx++];
        if(argIdx < args.length) { throw 'invalid call'; }
        for(var i = 0, len = names.length; i < len; i++) {
            if(!(names[i] in result)) { throw 'invalid call'; }
        return result;


于 2013-10-18T00:59:57.567 回答

为我在 op post 评论中建议的装饰器功能提供代码

var routeEnd = function(fn, len, def) {
    len = len || fn.length;
    return function() {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
        if(args.length < len) {
            var last = args.pop();//keep last val in place
            for (var i = 0, l = len-args.length-1; i < l; i++) {
                args.push(def);//default value (undefined)
        return fn.apply(this, args);


var myFunction = routeEnd(function (data, flag, callback) {
    console.log("flag: %s", flag);
    console.log("cb: %s", callback);

myFunction({data: true}, "flagged", function () {});
myFunction({data: true}, function () {});
于 2013-10-17T23:56:30.757 回答

Just an option to perhaps get the best of both worlds. Leave all your existing code that calls the function alone, but still add the third parameter as flag to the "myFunction" function:

myFunction: function(data, callback, flag){
  //Do stuff

Define a new function that simply calls the original function for the places where the flag IS going to be passed:

myFunctionSane: function(data, flag, callback) {
  myFunction(data, callback, flag);

You still need to add the check for the flag in the original "myFunction", but any NEW places where you want to call with all three parameters, you can call "myFunctionSane" with the callback as the third argument.

EDIT: Throwing another idea out would be to leave the original signature completely in tact and pass the original "data" element for the old calls (no changes needed), but pass a json object as the data element for the new calls such as:

myFunction( { "data": myData, "flag": myFlag }, myCallback );

In your function, you would just have to test if the element "data.data" is defined to know whether or not a legacy function call is being made or a new call that passes JSON.

于 2013-10-17T23:34:49.510 回答