
I'm currently try to do a search with PyMongo/Mongo that'll allow to me bring up results of entries within a specific date range. I have a database of apartments that are unavailable on specific dates. Here's an example of what a mongo document looks like at the moment (dates are in format d-m-Y).

"unavailability": [
        "@date_from": "21-01-2013", 
        "@date_to": "25-01-2013"
        "@date_from": "08-12-2012", 
        "@date_to": "10-12-2012"
        "@date_from": "06-12-2012", 
        "@date_to": "08-12-2012"

Essentially, I need to search for results that don't fall under the range of dates in unavailable. How would I go about this? Any help is appreciated!

Note: I can change the format of the dates if required if it'll make searching easier.


1 回答 1


假设您正在查找格式为 YYYYDDMM 的给定日期(例如以下示例中的“20121207”),您可以使用聚合框架,如下所示:

   // Produce one document for every unavailability record.
   // Reshape the results to spin the date around into sortable order.
   {$project:{ name:1,
               from : { $concat: [
               to : { $concat: [
               // Here, you could pass through additional fields from the original document.
   // For each name, produce a count for every time the target date falls within the range.
      $group: {
         _id: "$name",
         count: { $sum: { $cond: [ { $and: [
                                              {$lte:["20121207","$to"  ]}

                                    } , 1, 0
         // Here, you could pass through additional fields from the original document.
   // Select only those documents for which the target date fell withiin none of the ranges
   {$match:{count: 0}}


于 2013-10-18T00:10:01.473 回答