抱歉,如果在其他地方回答了这个问题,但我相信我的问题非常具体,我没有丝毫线索,根据过去的 python 经验,为什么这段代码返回错误:
IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
(wrapper stelemref) object:stelemref (object,intptr,object)
MissionGen.Start () (at Assets/Scripts/MissionGen.cs:59)
我目前正在 Unity 引擎中学习 C#,并创建了一个小类实验脚本,旨在使用 OOP 生成任务,从数组中选择目标名称 - 但显然,我不知道为什么这不起作用。因为我相信 python 中的等效错误仅在我尝试引用不存在的数组元素时才会发生。尽管这里可能也是这种情况,但由于代码的编写方式,我不明白为什么。无论如何,这是完整的脚本!:
// Simple mission generation script, using arrays and object orientated programming. Designed to be
// upgraded at a later date.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
// Mission generation template
public class MissionGen : MonoBehaviour {
public string[] t_list_t = new string[] {"Dave", "Johnson", "Hadaki", "Tim", "Timothy", "Chris Roberts"};
public string[] t_list_c_col = new string[] {"Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Black", "Orange", "Purple"};
public string[] t_list_h_col = new string[] {"Black", "Green", "Orange", "Blue", "Red", "Brown"};
public class MissionTemplate {
// Mission properties
public int id;
public string t_name;
public string t_coat;
public string t_hat;
public string type;
public int reward1;
public string reward2;
// A method, for displaying the attributes of an individual mission.
public void ShowMission () {
print ("MISSION ID: " + id);
print ("TARGET NAME: " + t_name);
print ("TARGET COAT COLOUR: " + t_coat);
print ("TARGET HAT COLOUR: " + t_hat);
print ("MISSION TYPE: " + type);
print ("REWARD 1 (Money): " + reward1);
print ("REWARD 2 (Item): " + reward2);
// Mission array generation. Change the array range to generate more missions for use in the game.
void Start() {
// Change this variable to decide how many missions to generate:
int gen = 50;
// Change the above variable to designate the number of missions to generate.
MissionTemplate[] MISSION = new MissionTemplate[gen];
for (int i = 1; i <= gen; i++)
int t_pick = Random.Range (0,5);
int t_coat_col = Random.Range (0,5);
int t_hat_col = Random.Range (0,5);
MISSION[i] = new MissionTemplate();
MISSION[i].id = i;
MISSION[i].t_name = t_list_t[t_pick];
MISSION[i].t_coat = t_list_c_col[t_coat_col];
MISSION[i].t_hat = t_list_h_col[t_hat_col];
MISSION[i].type = "Assassination";
MISSION[i].reward1 = 0;
MISSION[i].reward2 = "";
for (int i = 1; i <= gen; i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= gen; i++)
int t_pick = Random.Range (0,5);
int t_coat_col = Random.Range (0,5);
int t_hat_col = Random.Range (0,5);
MISSION[i] = new MissionTemplate();
MISSION[i].id = i;
MISSION[i].t_name = t_list_t[t_pick];
MISSION[i].t_coat = t_list_c_col[t_coat_col];
MISSION[i].t_hat = t_list_h_col[t_hat_col];
MISSION[i].type = "Assassination";
MISSION[i].reward1 = 0;
MISSION[i].reward2 = "";
for (int i = 1; i <= gen; i++)
public class MissionGen : MonoBehaviour {
public string[] t_list_t = new string[] {"Dave", "Johnson", "Hadaki", "Tim", "Timothy", "Chris Roberts"};
public string[] t_list_c_col = new string[] {"Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Black", "Orange", "Purple"};
public string[] t_list_h_col = new string[] {"Black", "Green", "Orange", "Blue", "Red", "Brown"};