使用 powershell,我想识别放置给定 DLL 的任何进程锁。
function IsDLLFree()
# The list of DLLs to check for locks by running processes.
$DllsToCheckForLocks = "C:\mydll1.dll","C:\mydll2.dll";
# Assume true, then check all process dependencies
$result = $true;
# Iterate through each process and check module dependencies
foreach ($p in Get-Process)
# Iterate through each dll used in a given process
foreach ($m in Get-Process -Name $p.ProcessName -Module -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
# Check if dll dependency matches any DLLs in list
foreach ($dll in $DllsToCheckForLocks)
# Compare the fully-qualified file paths,
# if there's a match then a lock exists.
if ( ($m.FileName.CompareTo($dll) -eq 0) )
$pName = $p.ProcessName.ToString()
Write-Error "$dll is locked by $pName. Stop this service to release this lock on $m1."
$result = $false;
return $result;
如果您正在评估当前应用程序域中加载的 dll 文件,则此方法有效。如果您传入 dll 文件的路径,它将返回是否在当前应用程序域中加载了该程序集。即使您不知道 .dll 文件(仍然适用),但想知道一般区域是否有带锁的 .dll 文件,这也特别有用。
function Get-IsPathUsed()
$isUsed = $false
[System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() |? {$_.Location -like "*$Path*"} |% {
$isUsed = $true;