我是一个codeigniter粉丝;老实说,我认为 CI 的真正力量并没有加载花哨的“模板库”或身份验证库;然而,它为您提供了所有工具,可以让您快速快速地构建自己的工具;
所以我的回答不是你真正想要的,而是一个简单的例子,说明如何在不到 10 分钟的时间内在 ci 中构建自己的所谓模板库,并且可以流畅地工作;
在 applicaiton/core 文件夹中创建 MY_Controller;
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
protected $noEcho=true,$body = 'base/layout', $title = 'YOUR CONTROLLER TITLE',
$js = array(), //filename
$inline_js = '', //script
$css = array(),
$inline_css = '', //style
$content = array(); //html
- 设置您的页面部分;
- 管理您的资产
- 打印出您的最终结果页面;
function output($data,$section='content'){
//checking type of data to be pushed its either array or string(html)
//this is a view it should be formated like this array( viewname,$data )
if( is_array($data) ){
$this->content[ $section ][] = $this->load->view( $data[0], $data[1], TRUE );
return $this;//to allow chaing
}elseif( is_string($data) ){//this is html
$this->content[ $section ][] = $data;
return $this;//to allow chaing
2nd 是一个功能,可以让你在这个页面中添加 js、css 和内联 js&css;
function _asset( $link, $txt = FALSE ) {
if ( $txt !== FALSE ) {
if ( $txt == 'js' )
$this->inline_js[] = $txt;
elseif ( $txt == 'css' )
$this->inline_css[] = $txt;
if ( pathinfo( $link, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) == 'css' ){
$this->css[] = link_tag( base_url( 'assets/css/' . trim( $link, "/\\" ) ) );
$this->js[] = '<script src="' . base_url( 'assets/js/' . trim( $link, "/\\" ) ) . '"></script>';
return $this;
protected function print_page(){
if ( $this->noEcho ) ob_clean();
$data[ 'title' ] = $this->title;
$data[ 'css' ] = is_array( $this->css ) ? implode( "\n", $this->css ) : '';
$data[ 'js' ] = is_array( $this->js ) ? implode( "\n", $this->js ) : '';
$data[ 'inline_css' ] = ( $this->inline_css ) ? '<style>' . implode( "\n", $this->inline_css ) . '</style>' : '';
$data[ 'inline_js' ] = ( $this->inline_js ) ? implode( "\n", $this->inline_js ) : '';
foreach ( $this->content as $section => $content ) {
$data[ $section ] = is_array( $content ) ? implode( "\n\n\n ", $content ) : $content;
} //$this->content as $section => $content
return $this->load->view( $this->body, $data );
控制器 :
public function __construct() {
$this->title = 'Controller title';
$this->body = 'base/default';
//load all your assets.. if its across all pages then load them in MY_controller construct
->assets('alert("itworks");','js');//will be added to $inline_js
function index(){
$var = $This->some_model->get_data();
$this->output( array('some_View',$var) )
->output('THIS WILL BE IN $FOOTER','footer')
现在有多干净:) ?;
并将所有部分都传递给它。所以对于上面的例子,你的视图将收到 2 个变量。
- $content : 包含 some_view 视图 +
- $footer : 将包含我们传递给它的 html;
- $css,$js,$inline_js,$inline_css 变量包含所有资产
- $title 包含您的页面标题;
最后,我希望这个小演示能帮助您了解这三个小功能可以做的无限可能,这要归功于 CI 原生视图加载器。