I have a webpage from https://creator.zoho.com that contains an iframe. The iframe scr is http://somedomain.example.com (NOTE that it is not https). The iframe content contains scripts for JQuery, SignalR etc.

I get the following behavior across OS and browsers with their default security settings:


  1. Internet Explorer - No issues, works fine.
  2. Chrome - Does not load the iframe context at all (I see the DOM of iframe and it is empty). A shield icon appears on the right of the address bar and on click the message is "the page includes scripts from unauthenticated sources." I have an option "Load unsafe script". I click it and everything is works.
  3. Firefox - Does not load anything in the iframe. No security indicator nor any warnings.
  4. Safari - No issues, works fine.

Mac OS

  1. Chrome - Does not load the iframe context at all (I see the DOM of iframe and it is empty). A shield icon appears on the right of the address bar and on click the message is "the page includes scripts from unauthenticated sources." I have an option "Load unsafe script". I click it and everything is works.

  2. Firefox - Does not load the iframe context at all (I see the DOM of iframe and it is empty). A shield icon appears on the left of the address bar and on click the there is a security related message. I have an option "Load unsafe script". I click it and everything is works.

  3. Safari - Does not load the iframe context at all. No security warning. No indication that something is blocked.

Does anyone have a clue as to what is wrong?

After a good amount of Googling, I can came across - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTTP/X-Frame-Options - but not very sure if this is a solution for my case for all browsers OR if it is even the right solution for any browser for the situation that I am facing.

Thanks in advance for reading my post.


1 回答 1


通过将应用程序(在 iframe 中加载)移动到 HTTPS 解决了我的问题。所以现在父页面和 iframe 都在 HTTPS 上。他们仍然在不同的域上,但都是 HTTPS 为我解决了这个问题。

于 2014-08-03T18:14:46.570 回答