I've got some VB.net code and a custom Microsoft Word VBA macro. I'm trying to pass the VB.net instance into the macro so that i can run a function on that object from the macro. I can't seem to pass in the object from the VB.net code to the Macro.
Warning, i'm brand new to VB and the Word marcos. Thanks for any and all help!
C#.net code i use to create the word doc and pass it to the VB.net code
private void BtnStartWord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application wdApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
wdApp.Visible = true;
VBWord.Word wordVB = new VBWord.Word();
wordVB.Connect(Handle.ToInt32(), wdApp);
VB.net code
Public Class Word
Public Sub Connect(ByVal plWinHandle As Long, _
ByVal pobjDocHandle As Object)
RunMacro(pobjDocHandle, New Object() {"Connect", plWinHandle, Me})
End Sub
Private Sub RunMacro(ByVal oApp As Object, ByVal oRunArgs() As Object)
oApp.GetType().InvokeMember("Run", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default Or System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, oApp, oRunArgs)
End Sub
End Class
And, inside of my Word template, i have some code. The code is inside of TemplateProjects -> Microsoft Word Objects -> ThisDocument and is as follows.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Connect(ByVal plWindow As Long, ByRef pobjControl As Object)
Set goApp.App = Word.Application
goApp.WindowHandle = plWindow
goApp.ControlHandle = pobjControl
End Sub
With the above goApp defined in Modules -> Globals
Option Explicit
Public goApp As New WordApp
Currently, the VB code is throwing an error on the oApp.GetType().InvokeMember line above. I don't think it likes the argument of Me being passed into it. But, i don't know how to pass in itself.
The Error that gets thrown is
Message = "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."
InnerException = {"Type mismatch. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020005 (DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH))"}
And, what i ultimately want to be able to do is a macro in Word to call back a function in the VB code. Something like the following.
Sub ApproveButton(ByVal control As IRibbonControl)
' Description: This procedure sends the Approve action request back to the VB code
goApp.SendAction "Approve"
End Sub