In VB.NET, there's no ==
operator for comparison, so the =
operator serves that purpose as well as assignment. I have a function, and I want it to return the boolean result of a comparison, without storing that result in a variable:
Private Function foo() As Boolean
Dim bar As Integer = 1
Return bar = 2
End Function
Returns: False
OK, but what's the value of bar
Private Function foo() As KeyValuePair(Of Boolean, Integer)
Dim bar As Integer = 1
Return New KeyValuePair(Of Boolean, Integer)(bar = 2, bar)
End Function
Returns: False, 1
It looks like =
will perform a comparison when the statement context demands it, but is this guaranteed? That is, can I be sure that bar
will never be set to 2 in this situation?
Also, I know that VB.NET doesn't allow chained inline assignments, which may be for the best. Does this odd =
behavior cause any other quirks I should be aware of?