我目前正在学习如何在 nodejs 中使用 Promise

所以我的第一个挑战是列出目录中的文件,然后使用异步函数通过两个步骤获取每个文件的内容。我想出了以下解决方案,但有一种强烈的感觉,这不是最优雅的方法,尤其是我将异步方法“转换”为 Promise 的第一部分

// purpose is to get the contents of all files in a directory
// using the asynchronous methods fs.readdir() and fs.readFile()
// and chaining them via Promises using the bluebird promise library [1]
// [1] https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird 

var Promise = require("bluebird");
var fs = require("fs");
var directory = "templates"

// turn fs.readdir() into a Promise
var getFiles = function(name) {
    var promise = Promise.pending();

    fs.readdir(directory, function(err, list) {

    return promise.promise;

// turn fs.readFile() into a Promise
var getContents = function(filename) {
    var promise = Promise.pending();

    fs.readFile(directory + "/" + filename, "utf8", function(err, content) {

    return promise.promise


getFiles()    // returns Promise for directory listing 
.then(function(list) {
    console.log("We got " + list)
    console.log("Now reading those files\n")

    // took me a while until i figured this out:
    var listOfPromises = list.map(getContents)
    return Promise.all(listOfPromises)

.then(function(content) {
    console.log("so this is what we got: ", content)



1 回答 1



var Promise = require("bluebird");
var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require("fs")); //This is most convenient way if it works for you
var directory = "templates";

var getFiles = function () {
    return fs.readdirAsync(directory);
var getContent = function (filename) {
    return fs.readFileAsync(directory + "/" + filename, "utf8");

getFiles().map(function (filename) {
    return getContent(filename);
}).then(function (content) {
    console.log("so this is what we got: ", content)


var Promise = require("bluebird");
var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require("fs")); //This is most convenient way if it works for you
var directory = "templates";

fs.readdirAsync(directory).map(function (filename) {
    return fs.readFileAsync(directory + "/" + filename, "utf8");
}).then(function (content) {
    console.log("so this is what we got: ", content)

.map在使用集合时应该是你的面包和黄油方法 - 它真的很强大,因为它适用于任何事情,从一系列承诺的承诺映射到进一步的承诺,再到介于两者之间的任何直接值组合。

于 2013-10-20T21:38:24.233 回答