我需要帮助将 .BMP 图像转换为 .gif 。

我正在努力保持转换后的 gif 图像的质量。我在这里需要帮助。以下是相关代码。任何帮助表示赞赏。

//now Convert the names to lower case and change the extension to the file as a .gif file under the images directory
//you can either use URL or File for reading image using ImageIO
bufferedSourceImg = ImageIO.read(fSource);
//getting the RGB mode color value
int color = bufferedSourceImg.getRGB(0,0);
Image image = makeColorTransparent(bufferedSourceImg,new Color(color));
//getting the transparent image
BufferedImage transparent = imageToBufferedImage(image);

//generating the name of the gif image which will be created from the bmp
int idx = destFName.lastIndexOf(".");
destFName = destFName.substring(0, idx);
destFName = destFName + ".gif";
gifFile = new File(getImagesDirectory(), destFName);
//copying the gif copy of the image
Iterator itr = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("gif");
ImageWriter gifWriter = (ImageWriter)itr.next();
ImageWriteParam iwp = gifWriter.getDefaultWriteParam();
String compTypes[] = iwp.getCompressionTypes();
iwp.setCompressionType(compTypes[compTypes.length - 1]);
//ImageIO.write(transparent, "gif", gifFile);
ImageIO.write(bufferedSourceImg, "gif", gifFile);
FileImageOutputStream output = new FileImageOutputStream(gifFile);
IIOImage iioImage = new IIOImage(transparent, null, null);
gifWriter.write(null, iioImage, iwp);

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