我正在尝试让 Netduino 与 Azure 进行通信。我发现了其他几个项目,并且在他们的源代码中,他们像任何其他 Azure 项目一样使用包 Microsoft.WindowsAzure。但是,在我的项目中,它声称无法解析包名。
我发现某个地方我必须进入 Manage NuGet Packages 并安装它,但是当我尝试时,它会在 JSON 中停止安装并将其全部回滚。
Adding 'Newtonsoft.Json 5.0.8' to Netduino.
Uninstalling 'Newtonsoft.Json 5.0.8'.
Successfully uninstalled 'Newtonsoft.Json 5.0.8'.
Install failed. Rolling back...
Could not install package 'Newtonsoft.Json 5.0.8'.
You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETMicroFramework,Version=v4.2',
but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework.
For more information, contact the package author.