I have many questions about how to make relationships N:M in CoreData.

If I have two entities A and B and have a relationship N:M in the entity relationship model has to generate a new table C that will contain the unique id of tables A and B.

Example for the entity relationship:

enter image description here

Now in the database model:

enter image description here

Considering the previous example as would be done by core data?

enter image description here


enter image description here

The truth is I'm really lost with that of relations in Core Data, any help will be welcome.

Sorry for my English but not very good.


1 回答 1


对此的答案是,如果您要存储附加信息,即使在 Core Data 中也必须使用“连接表”。您不必跟踪外键,因为这已包含在关系中。


Car <<--->> Person
Car <--->> Rental <<---> Person

现在在实体租赁中,您可以添加更多信息,例如时间。因此,例如,如果您想查找在某个日期之前租车的所有人(在 Rental 实体中存储为 NSDate),您的谓词将是这样的:

 [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"ANY rentals.time < %@", cutoffTime]
于 2013-10-17T15:31:51.860 回答