父母只是无限期地等待任何孩子返回(提示,waitpid)。湾。孩子设置了两个信号处理程序(提示、信号)并进入睡眠状态 5 分钟。一世。第一个信号处理程序监听 USR1 信号,并在接收到它时: 1. 创建一个线程(提示,pthread_create)。一个。基本上,线程需要做的就是“打个招呼”并休眠 60 秒。ii. 第二个信号处理程序侦听 USR2 信号,并在接收到它时: 1. 销毁线程(提示,pthread_cancel)。
当这个程序接收到第一个创建线程的信号时,它输出“[thread] sleep for 1 m[thread] sleep for 1 minute”然后结束,它从不等待第二个信号,我做错了什么?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
pthread_t thread;
void* temp()
printf("[thread] hello professor\n");
printf("[thread] sleeping for 1 minute\n");
void handle_USR1(int x)
int s;
printf("[signal] creating the thread\n");
s = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &temp, NULL);
void handle_USR2(int x)
int s;
printf("[signal] destroying the thread\n");
s = pthread_cancel(thread);
int main(void)
int status = 0;
if(fork() != 0)
printf("[parent] waiting.....\n");
waitpid(-1, &status, 0);
printf("[child] to create the thread: kill -USR1 %d\n", getpid());
printf("[child] to end the thread: kill -USR2 %d\n", getpid());
printf("[child] setting up signal handlers\n");
signal(SIGUSR1, handle_USR1);
signal(SIGUSR2, handle_USR2);
printf("[child] waiting for signals\n");
return (0);