好的。我正在为傻瓜阅读 C++,而我正处于他们讨论面向对象的地步。在尝试并失败后,我几乎从书中复制了代码,以根据我学到的概念编写代码。代码的要点是创建一个名为 Pen 的类,使用枚举来描述对象 GoodPen 和 BadPen。我创建了名为 Color 和 Pentype 的枚举变量,并为每个变量设置了单独的选项。这似乎是问题所在。我为对象分配了值,但是由于某种原因,当我计算分配的值时,它们返回每个值的数字数组位置,而不是它们的实际值。这是代码
pen.h 头文件:
using namespace std;
enum Color
enum PenType
class Pen
Color InkColor;
Color ShellColor;
Color CapColor;
PenType PenType;
double length;
double inklevel;
string brand;
void write(string words){
if(inklevel <= 0){
cout << "Uh-Oh, you're out of ink!" << endl;
} else {
cout << words << endl;
inklevel -= words.length();
void explode(){
cout << "You used explosive ink, the tip became heated via friction with the paper" << endl << " and the pen exploded, killing you and your family..." << endl;
inklevel = 0;
#endif // PEN_H_INCLUDED
main.cpp 文件:
#include "pen.h"
using namespace std;
extern void explode();
int main(){
string inpt;
Pen GoodPen;
Pen BadPen;
GoodPen.brand = "OfficeDepot";
GoodPen.CapColor = black;
GoodPen.InkColor = gray;
GoodPen.ShellColor = gray;
GoodPen.PenType = ballpoint;
GoodPen.length = 6; //inches
GoodPen.inklevel = 100; //percent
BadPen.brand = "Staples";
BadPen.CapColor = red;
BadPen.InkColor = red;
BadPen.ShellColor = red;
BadPen.PenType = flammable;
BadPen.length = 6.66; //inches
BadPen.inklevel = 100; //percent
cout << "You have a choice: black pen or red pen. Choose wisely. ";
getline(cin, inpt);
if(inpt == "black" || inpt == "Black"){
cout << "You picked the right pen. The ink level is " << GoodPen.inklevel << "%" << endl;
cout << "The pen is " << GoodPen.length << " inches long, it is a " << GoodPen.PenType << " from " << GoodPen.brand << endl;
cout << "The cap is " << GoodPen.CapColor << " and the shell is " << GoodPen.ShellColor << endl;
cout << "The ink is " << GoodPen.InkColor << endl;
}else if(inpt == "red" || inpt == "Red"){
cout << "You picked the wrong pen. The ink level is " << BadPen.inklevel << endl;
cout << "The pen is " << BadPen.length << " inches long, it is a " << BadPen.PenType << "from " << BadPen.brand << endl;
cout << "The cap is " << BadPen.CapColor << " and the shell is " << BadPen.ShellColor << endl;
cout << "The ink is " << BadPen.InkColor << endl;
return 0;
对不起,我知道我的代码很糟糕。我承认我是初学者,并且可能犯了初学者的错误。pen.h 代码创建 Pen 类并为其分配属性,main.cpp 文件为 Pen 类创建对象,并将属性分配给这些对象。但是,如果选择“黑色”选项,这是输出:
You have a choice: black pen or red pen. Choose wisely. black
You picked the right pen. The ink level is 100%
The pen is 6 inches long, it is a 0 from OfficeDepot
The cap is 4 and the shell is 5
The ink is 5
Press any key to continue . . .
PS 我正在使用 Visual Studio 进行编译。