The image does not show up. I have used Mac's "Get Info" to see the path.
How do I specify the path in the <img>
This is what I have tried:
<img class="logo" alt="Help Me"
<img class="logo" alt="Help Me"
src="users/janedoe/CGT136as/week-07hw/website/images/standout.jpeg" />
<img class="logo" alt="Help Me"
src="~/CGT136as/week-07hw/website/images/standout.jpeg" />
<img class="logo" alt="Help Me"
src="file:///users/janedoe/CGT136as/week-07hw/website/images/standout.jpeg" />
I'm Using MacBook Pro (bought in March 2013), Safari is version 6.0.5, OS X 10.8.5.