
我添加了处理数组的附加函数,当它完成时,它将这些ArrayLists 发送到将这些列表保存为文件的新线程。我已经以 3 种方式实现了保存,只有一种成功。我想知道为什么其他两种方式没有。

  1. 我创建了一个线程(通过new Thread(Runnable)),并给了它文件的数组和名称。在线程构造函数中,我创建PrintWriter并保存了文件。它运行没有任何问题。(我有 1-10 个文件保存线程并行运行)。

  2. 如果我将保存代码outputStream.println(aLog);放在Run方法中,它永远不会到达它,并且在构造函数完成线程退出后。

  3. 我将创建的可运行文件(文件保存)放在线程池中(保存的代码在run()方法中)。当我只发送 1 个任务(要保存 1 个文件)时,一切都很好。超过 1 个任务被添加到池中(非常快),创建了异常(在调试时我可以看到所有需要的信息都可用)并且一些文件没有保存。


请看下面的代码。(从作为无限线程类的一部分的函数开始,该函数也将一些任务放入池中),在无限线程中创建池: ExecutorService iPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

private void logRate(double r1,int ind){
    for (int i = 499; i>0; i--){
      // some Code

     Data.add(0,array1[ind][i][0] + "," + array1[ind][i][1] + "," + 
                          array1[ind][i][2] + "," + array1[ind][i][3] + "," +
                          array2[ind][i] + "\n" );
      // first item
      array1[ind][0][0] = r1; 
      array1[ind][0][1] = array1[ind][0][0] ;
      array1[ind][0][2] = array1[ind][0][0] ;
      array2[ind][0] = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss yyyy_MM_dd").format(today); 

      Data.add(0,r1+","+r1+","+r1+","+r1+ "," + array2[ind][0] + '\n') ;

      // save the log send it to the pool (this is case 3)
      //iPool.submit(new FeedLogger(fName,Integer.toString(ind),Data));
      // Case 1 and 2 
      Thread fl = new Thread(new FeedLogger(fName,Integer.toString(ind),Data)) ;

这是 FeedLogger 类:

public class FeedLogger implements Runnable{
private List<String> fLog = new ArrayList<>() ;
PrintWriter outputStream = null;
String asName,asPathName;

public FeedLogger(String aName,String ind, List<String> fLog) {
this.fLog = fLog;
this.asName = aName;

try {
    asPathName = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\AsLogs\\"  + asName + "\\Feed" + ind 
                                    + ".log" ;

     outputStream = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(asPathName));
     outputStream.println(fLog); Case 1 all is fine
     outputStream.flush(); // Case 1 all is fine
     outputStream.close(); Case 1 all is fine

catch (Exception ex) {
    JavaFXApplication2.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null,asName + ex.getMessage());

public void run()
    outputStream.println(fLog); // Cas2 --> not reaching this code, Case3 (as task) create 
                                                     exception when we have multiple tasks
  catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("err in file save e=" + e.getMessage() + asPathName + " feed size=" +  
      JavaFXApplication2.logger.log(Level.ALL, null,asName + e.getMessage());

    finally {if (outputStream != null) {outputStream.close();}}

1 回答 1


您需要调用start()Thread 实例以使其实际执行某些操作。

于 2013-10-16T20:47:07.617 回答