通常我总是像这样编译我的 C 代码: g++ program.c -o program.exe

但是我的大学教授要求我编译使用:g++ -o -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -std=c++0x program.exe program.c



eda.c: In function ‘int main()’:
eda.c:200: error: ISO C++ forbids variable-size array ‘v’
eda.c:207: error: ISO C++ forbids variable-size array ‘nfloat’
cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
eda.c:215: warning: suggest a space before ‘;’ or explicit braces around empty body in         ‘while’ statement


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef struct {
    float* data;
    int size;
} vector;

/* Metodos Básicos */
vector *create_vector(int n, float* comps){
    vector *newvect = (vector*)malloc(sizeof(*newvect));
    newvect->data = (float*)malloc(n*sizeof(float));
    memcpy(newvect->data, comps, sizeof(float) * n);
    newvect->size = n;
    return newvect;

void destroy_vector(vector* v){

void print(vector* v){
    int size = v->size, i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        if(i == 0) printf("[%.1f,", v->data[i]);
        else if(i == (size-1)) printf("%.1f]\n", v->data[i]);
        else printf("%.1f,", v->data[i]);

/* Metodos Intermedios */
float dotDiferentSizes(vector* v1, vector* v2, int smax, int smin){
    double product;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < smin; i++){
        product += (v1->data[i])*(v2->data[i]); // += means add to product
    for(i = smin; i < smax; i++){
        product += (v1->data[i])*0; // += means add to product
    return product;

float dot(vector* v1, vector* v2){
    int smax = (v1->size), smin;
    int v1size = smax;
    int v2size = (v2->size);
    float product = 0.0;
    if (v2->size > smax) {
        smax = v2->size; //max_size checking
        smin = v1->size; //min_size checking
    else if (v2->size < smax){
            smin = v2->size;
    else smin = smax;
    // compute
    if(smax == smin){
        int i;
        for(i = 0; i < smin; i++){
            product += (v1->data[i])*(v2->data[i]); // += means add to product
        if(v1size == smax){
            product = dotDiferentSizes(v1,v2,smax,smin); //v1>v2
        if(v2size == smax){
            product = dotDiferentSizes(v2,v1,smax,smin); 
    return product;

float norm(vector* v){
    int size = v->size, i;
    float norm = 0.0;
    for(i= 0; i < size; i++){
        norm += (v->data[i])*(v->data[i]);
    norm = sqrt( norm );
    return norm;

void normalize(vector* v){
    int size = v->size, i;
    float norma = 0.0;
    norma = norm(v);
    for(i= 0; i< size; i++){
        v->data[i] = v->data[i] / norma;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        if(i == 0) printf("NORMALIZED VECTOR:[%.2f,", v->data[i]);
        else if(i == (size-1)) printf("%.2f]\n", v->data[i]);
        else printf("%.2f,", v->data[i]);

/* Metodos Avanzados */
vector* add(vector* v1, vector* v2){
    vector *vadd;
    int v1size, v2size, i;
    v1size = v1->size;
    int size = v1size;
    v2size = v2->size;
    if(v2size > v1size) {
        size = v2size;
        vadd = create_vector(size, v2->data);
        for(i = 0; i < v1size; i++){
            vadd->data[i] += v1->data[i];
    else {
        vadd = create_vector(size, v1->data);
        for(i = 0; i < v1size; i++){
            vadd->data[i] += v2->data[i];

vector* sub(vector* v1, vector* v2){
    vector *vsub;
    int v1size, v2size, i;
    v1size = v1->size;
    int size = v1size;
    v2size = v2->size;
    if(v2size > v1size) {
        size = v2size;
        vsub = create_vector(size, v2->data);
        for(i = 0; i < v1size; i++){
            vsub->data[i] = v1->data[i] - vsub->data[i]; /* restamos siempre v1 - v2*/
        } /* en el bucle forzamos a restar v1 - v2, evitando el caso v2 - v1*/
        for(i = v1size; i < size; i++){
            vsub->data[i] = (v2->data[i])*(-1);
    else { /* v1size >= v2size */
        vsub = create_vector(size, v1->data);
        for(i = 0; i < v2size; i++){
            vsub->data[i] -= v2->data[i];

void incr(vector* source, vector* other){
    int smax, i, ssize = source->size, osize = other->size;
    vector *vincr;
    if(ssize > osize) smax = ssize;
    else {
        if(ssize < osize) smax = osize;
        else smax = ssize;
    vincr = add(source, other);
    if(ssize > osize){
        for(i = 0; i < smax; i++){
            source->data[i] = vincr->data[i];
        source->data = (float*)realloc(source->data, sizeof(float) * smax);
        source->size = smax;    
        for(i = 0; i < smax; i++){
            source->data[i] = vincr->data[i];

//NumsVector, funcion que nos devuelve el numero de "numeros" que hay en cada vector del .txt,
//es decir, los n floats por cada vector

int NumsVector(char *linea, ssize_t size){
    int numsvector = 1; //Inicializamos a 1 ya que no podemos suponer valor maximo segun enunciado, pero si minimo >= 1
    int n;
    for(n = 2; n<= size; n++){ //como ya suponemos que el primer valor despues del corchete es un numero y ya lo hemos contado, empezamos en 2
        if (linea[n] != '[' && linea[n] != ']'){
            if(linea[n] == 44){
                numsvector = numsvector + 1;
    return numsvector;

int main(){
    int n, i;
    scanf("%d\n", &n);
    vector *v[n];
    for(i = 0; i<n; ++i) { 
        char *line = NULL;  //ponemos *line y len a valores 0 y null para que automaticamente getline nos haga el malloc y nos asigne el tamanyo
        size_t len = 0;
        ssize_t read; //en la variable read guardamos el valor de getline, contiene el numero de caracteres que tiene el string
        read = getline(&line,&len,stdin);
        int numsvector = NumsVector(line, read); 
        float nfloat[numsvector]; //sabemos el tamanyo del vector que hemos leido, creamos array de floats y lo llenamos de los floats
        //empieza el proceso para obtener los floats a partir de string de chars
        int j = 0;
        line[strlen(line) - 1] = ','; /* Replaces the end ] with a , */
        char *p = line + 1; /* creates a new pointer, pointing after the first [ in the original string */
            sscanf(p, "%f,", &nfloat[j]); /* grabs up to the next comma as a float */       
            while (*(p++) != ',') ; /* moves pointer forward to next comma */
        while (++j < numsvector); /* stops when you've got the expected number */     
        v[i] = create_vector(numsvector, nfloat);//conseguimos almacenar el contenido del string en un vector del tipo float (nfloat)
        int aux;
        for(aux = 0; aux<numsvector; ++aux){ 
            printf("V[%d]->data[%d] = : %.1f\n", i, aux, v[i]->data[aux]); //test de que la memoria se almacena bien, luego se borra


200: vector *v[n];
207: float nfloat[numsvector];
215: while (*(p++) != ',') ; //Now I think works fine with the extra space..



3 回答 3



如果您能够使用C++ ,一种选择是使用std::vector。另一种选择是通过newmalloc根据您被允许使用的方式使用动态分配。

似乎您必须用 C 编程但使用 C++ 编译器,这有点奇怪希望至少您可以使用-x cmakeg++来充当C编译器。这是一篇介绍C 和 C++ 兼容性的文章,您还应该阅读 Keith 的评论。

于 2013-10-16T19:31:25.653 回答

通常我总是像这样编译我的 C 代码: g++ program.c -o program.exe

这是不正确的。g++是 C++ 编译器,而不是 C 编译器。(我知道,您可以指定-x c强制使用该语言,但是当您也有 C 编译器时,为什么还要这样做?)

C 代码应使用 C 编译器进行编译。C++ 代码应使用 C++ 编译器进行编译。任何其他组合都是错误的。

如果您需要编写 C++ 代码,请编写 C++ 代码。在 C++ 中,您不能拥有 C99 样式的可变长度数组。您将需要std::vector改用。像这样:

std::vector<some_type> theVector(initial_size);
于 2013-10-16T19:32:24.397 回答

200: 向量 *v[n]; 可以通过初始化向量来修复:

vector* v = new vector[n];

207: 浮动 nfloat[numsvector]; 可以通过动态分配数组来修复:

float* nfloat = new float[numsvector]


vector* v = malloc(n * sizeof(vector));

float* nfloat = malloc(numsvector * sizeof(float));
于 2013-10-16T19:38:11.110 回答