USE AdventureWorks2012
Select EDH.*,
case when EDH.DepartmentID between 1 and 5 then 'DEPT-A'
when EDH.DepartmentID between 5 and 9 then 'DEPT-B'
when EDH.DepartmentID between 9 and 30 then 'DEPT-C' end as [DEPT TYPE]---, count(EDH.DepartmentID)
from HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory EDH
left outer join HumanResources.Employee EM on EM.BusinessEntityID = EDH.BusinessEntityID
group by EDH.DepartmentID, EDH.BusinessEntityID, EDH.ShiftID, EDH.StartDate, EDH.EndDate, EDH.ModifiedDate
我将 Dept Type 列作为 Dept-A、B 或 C 基于部门 ID 条件时的情况。
现在在 SSRS 报告中,我想在页脚中显示部门列的计数,例如